Mike Meyer
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017


I’m also encouraged by the response that I now get to laying the fact that our political and economic systems are crumbling and we need to move on. We’ve been through alot in the last three months and it is becoming more intense by the day. The people most committed to the system are going to continue to beat the carcass until they drop from exhaustion. The key is how many people declare themselves open to serious change and that is what I, at least, am starting to see. Ironically, some at least, of the regretful Trump voters were people who thought change was critical but didn’t have a reasonable idea of what the changes we are facing were all about and made a very bad choice.

And you are absolutely correct that we are missing the vision of what this will be. Until we can begin to get people committed to the elements of a new social narrative people will be unable to move. It’s obvious in this country that the majority of the population wants an equitable economy that provides education, health care, and minimum living standards for all. That was the lesson from Bernie and constant, general surveys about what people expect from government. The political collapse allowed neo-fascists to hijack the election in the general loss of trust and then distort the hell out of what people actually want.

This is the most encouraging thing I’ve seen since November:

Bluexit is the next step. This simply says to allow the republicans still in Congress to have what they want and to kill the federal government. But they also will have to give up Blue State taxes that will go to the new Blue Alliance that, incidentally, the source of revenue to the country. Blue states pay for the red states welfare and good stamps as the red states have little revenue. So they can slash their services even faster. The Blue Alliance will establish full services for Blue Alliance citizens with complete rights and support for diversity and sustainability. We will link the states and urban regions together virtually and simply forget the red states. They can visit if they want but they need to go home afterward and their gestapo will have no authority in the Blue Alliance. Trumpistan may even last a year or two before collapsing in riots and resources wars. They have all the guns so they more efficiently kill each other.

I foretold this (pat my own back) two months ago:

On a more serious note the new narrative I think must include the elements that are being discussed more and more actively by people who are working to understand how things must change. This centers on diversity, planetary sustainability, Universal Basic Income, open education and the development of a post-capitalist, post-socialist, post-nation state world order. We need to work to imaging this and there are many people and groups who have been doing this more and more actively.

I’ve been wanting to make this a series but it’s not clear the Medium Series tool would even allow that. It’s also possible that I could convert The OtherLeft to this process of gathering ideas of how to get to elements we need. I’m open to suggestions . . .



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/