Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2017


I’m glad to see that you appreciate the essential nature of public services. These have been under attack for several decades in the US and Europe primarily under the guise of austerity. In the US this has been exacerbated by the collapse of the two party system into a single party supporting the corporatist oligarchy. Vast sums of money have been spent over the last thirty years to maintain a daily din of propaganda convincing the bottom 95% that the public services and infrastructure that they (we) rely are worthless and need to be given to the oligarchy for their exclusive benefit. This justifies underfunding roads, schools, public health, environmental protection, and the raiding of social security and Medicare (the most efficient and successful of our limited public services) for tax cuts on corporations and massive military expenditures. All of this in exchange for what? The Laffer Curve?

I do have trouble understanding why you are happy with blatant manipulation of the remaining, weak, electoral system with lies and fabrications. Most people don’t understand this, having been also told that knowledge is evil and ignorance is good, so that makes It critical that those of us who do have the technical knowledge must take responsibility to expose trending propaganda exploits. And the research reveals that this is multifaceted, used to some extent by all factions of the oligarchy, and designed to destroy faith in our ability to govern ourselves.

Fortunately the neofascist and racist strategy has failed in France. We can only hope that learning from the hack and working to educate people on what is actually happening will give us time to design an array of new, sustainable, and open political and economic systems.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/