So this is ok?

Mike Meyer
Published in
1 min readOct 27, 2017


There are, apparently, people who refuse to see the ignorance, incompetence and corruption that Donald Trump represents. It is very clear that Trump is irrelevant in any real sense other than as a symptom of political collapse and should be, as much as possible, ignored. That doesn’t mean that he, his goons, and the racists and haters who make up the Republican party in its present form are not doing tremendous damage to, people, the country, and to the planet but ignoring them is the best approach while we work for their removal and the social and political structures that are evolving around us. But there should be limits to the level of corruption that is tolerated. This appears to be so blatant that it is hard to comprehend:

I have a hard time understanding how this, even at this point with only superficial information, is not being investigated as a criminal offense. The farther you dig into this story and the sorry scum surrounding Trump who quickly put this together to fill their pockets at the expense of the people of Puerto Rico, the more nauseating this becomes.

Are we simply supposed to accept this?



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at