Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2017


There is much that is useful here and rational discussion is needed. My own policy is always to respond to someone who makes a serious statement based on an effort to understand what is happening. This leads to discussion. At this point I think we all understand why some people made a legitimate choice to throw the Trump bomb. I, frankly, don’t think anyone who says they support what Trump now represents is of any value to any discussion. Trump is too incompetent and to challenged by his own problems to be anything other than dangerous. My point is that he is now irrelevant and is simply a loose cannon.

This is the problem of throwing a bomb in a system already far along in collapse. This shit is not simple. You can make an argument for throwing a bomb just to get it over with but usually that just makes a mess. What we now have is a cascading mess and no idea what to do. Now people are getting scared of the idiocy and want to start talking. About what?

I think I’ve probably been too subtle up to now because we need to retain rational discussion but the discussion needs to be new. There is no reason to talk about Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, the idiot Trump, or any other current politician in the US. That gig is over, finished. There are many forces on this planet vying for position to loot the ruins. I expect Trump to resign before the end of the year as he moves his billions to friendly domains. Unfortunately I don’t think he will last long as he is already showing signs of growing dementia and “exhaustion”. As we know the Putin team prefers nasty disease as a solution to problems.

There is no point in talking about that either because we can’t do anything about it. At this point I think that anyone jumping up and down and waving their hands around shouting about Hilary, or DNC, or leaks or hacks either doesn’t know what they are talking about or is not who they claim to be. The danger is these people will make sense part of the time as a cover for their actual message. Do I need to explain more about how that is done? Whatever it is and whomever they are it is distraction to confuse the masses. It’ll be gone next week and then back the week after. Ignore it.

What we need to talk about is what are we going to build to replace what is collapsing around us? And just to make this clear the collapse is not going to cause buildings to fall down and government services to stop unless the idiots are allowed out of their cages. But their is no one that we know in charge. In this country things are running strictly on momentum. Things have been breaking for a long time and they just aren’t fixed. The only thing that happens is another round of tax cuts for the oligarchs because no one complains.

How do we fix this?



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/