Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2017


This is the best, most succinct, brutally direct, and devastatingly honest one sentence summary of the surviving Republican Party that I have seen in a time when the wool is being removed from the eyes of millions. And that increasingly includes vast numbers of people who once considered themselves to be Republicans. I’m angry that I didn’t write this.

You’re summary of the growing Trump created shit storm is excellent. The most difficult part of watching and writing about this in the hope of creating some clarity in what is becoming the world’s largest sewage treatment operation, is figuring out ways to explain to people that this is mostly just stupid. The people who have come to rule in what was once the world’s most powerful country are predominantly very stupid, very corrupt, or both. Not that this hasn’t long been a problem but the last forty years have steadily removed the best and the brightest. I doubt very many read the end of the previous sentence with any recognition for what that phrase once meant.

The stunning addition to our national heritage now is the Republican Party’s descent from greed and stupidity, on a par with the Democrats, to true evil and dementia. We’re all prone to stupidity as that is part of the human lot but evil, now, that needs to be recognized and actively dealt with. We’ve been building fantasies of this for years as we figure out how we would unite against the truly evil. And suddenly here we are. Where’s Gandalf when you need him? For that matter where the hell is Frodo?



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/