This may not be the appropriate place to say it . . .

Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016


but this is not ‘all right’ and its not going to become ‘all right’. All the polite, well meaning folks of any color in neighborhood yoga studios who want to make up for this with love and positive thinking are hopeless. And I’m not even going to say I understand what Ana DelCorazon is saying because I don’t and I’m tired of hearing my own bullshit and the polite weaseling out of responsibility for this complete and utter disaster that we white whatever folks allowed to happen. I have come to realize that this is not an “oops, my bad” moment as much as every white, moderately educated person would like to convince themselves. This is probably terminal for many people and for the US of A. How bad it gets depends on how fast we act. But no one wants to believe that. I know, we just need to wait and it will be like any other administration change, lots of noise and then business as usual. Only people of color get killed. Do you still believe that? Really? And that’s ok?

We’ve handed the keys to the kingdom to an obviously incompetent, aggressive person with a significant personality disorder who is surrounding himself with racists, religious bigots, xenophobes, and people with tinfoil hats. And these same crazies already took over Congress. Facts no longer matter. Science no longer matters. The House Science Committee today tweeted a totally bogus piece from Breitbart news as if it were real. Explain to me how this is going to work out ok . . . I wish I could go and find some decent people I could recover with but I don’t have any. My people allowed this to happen and it doesn’t matter that I wanted Bernie and voted for Hilary. We are responsible.

I tried to deal with this with some humor HERE. If you chuckle that’s fine. We need all the humor we can get to stay sane. But we need to get real about this very, very quickly and I don’t think we have time to wait and see . . .



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at