Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2017


Trump is incredibly easy to nail. This is just another debacle by a mentally disturbed incompetent. My only difference with what you say is that I don’t think he thought of it himself. People in Syria killed by poison gas? Who gives a shit? Javanka told him it would look good to kill some people to show he supports children. And he had to read a thing saying that. It obviously meant nothing to him. The dying pundit species grabbed for a new line. And everyone held their breath. What does this mean? A major shift in policy? A new war? Hoping for glory? Then nothing. . .

It is impossible to change policy when there is no policy. It’s just exactly what you said . . . an incompetent flailing and upping the ante to get a reaction. I wish that was all this is. Jesus H. Christ on roller skates, I wish that was all. The bully has tasted blood. The stupid Yemen fiasco killed US soldiers and ruined it. He didn’t get shouts of praise he was told to expect. But cruise missiles are clean and low. You can get that thrill of anticipation after ordering the launch and waiting for the hit. Fifty of them. Wow, look at that shit! Yeah, yeah. . . their loving me. Can we do it again?

What do we do now? Huh? I told Putin what we were doing so he could warn Assad. I’m supposed to be quiet for a little while. Then I can do it somewhere else. . . They won’t know what hit ‘em.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/