Mike Meyer
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2018


We need much more on this to counter the myth making that has already become frantic. The best that could be done by right wing organizations is a list of 125 companies doing something that they claim is a result of the disastrous tax bill. The majority of these “results” are previously planned pay increases or bonuses. These are, in fact, an insult. As clearly noted in this article the majority of actions are one time bonuses that will have little effect. In many cases these bonuses will be used to pay down debt, further filling the pockets of the financial theives, or end up being used to pickup more debt. Wages need to be drastically increased by removing money from the bloated accounts in the boardroom.

Sadly the dearth of information and the years of propaganda have made it difficult to understand what is happening in this country. The planetary econ0my has begun to recover after the scares last year in Europe. Great Britain is still saddled with Brexit unless they figure out h0w to reverse it or, as seems to be the case, they are simply having to tediously negotiate their way back in via a side door. The business increase in the US is the result of planetary economic recovery. The same planet to which the idiot Trump and this country has made itself a joke. This does not solve the structural economic problems that we all face. Much of the economic success in Europe and, increasingly in China, are from shifts to energy efficiency and away from the climate disastrous past.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/