Mike Meyer
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2017


Yes, despite all the pain, anxiety, and bullshit that should be terminal, we stumble into happiness. Maybe those are the ice cream cone moments of life but you get more of them as you get older. And I can appreciate your struggle with your daughters hearing loss. To you it’s the ‘my god what will she do and how will she survive’ parental fear but it sounds (trigger word) as if she is doing fine. I’ve had moderate hearing loss since childhood with mostly no help. I made it, retired twice already, and now have a cochlear implant. That is not just aid but augmentation and a whole other story. My point is that when I had the implant I was sent information and stories on how to deal with hearing again and the problems of dealing with a change in your handicap. It shocked me because I realized I had never considered myself handicapped. I just couldn’t hear well and figured out ways to deal with it. Your daughter, I think, will probably never understand what you’re so worried. Hey, here’s a whole bunch of toys.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/