Communicating the Future of Design

USEEDS° — 2019

The Pascal Heynol
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2020


I wrote and designed communicational material for USEEDS°’s capabilities in the emerging fields of AR, VR, Voice, and AI. With a mix of emotional messages and helpful information, the materials were well received at all kinds of events and referenced in approaches by new customers.

Role: UX Writer, Designer


At USEEDS°, an innovation and UX agency in Berlin, I was part of a small team of people organizing events like meetups and conferences, as well as representing the company at such events. Project wise we were making strides into working with emerging technologies early on but were lacking communication material to draw attention to our expertise in these fields. Instead of just showing cases and making it all about us, these materials had to offer a benefit for whoever got their hands on them. They had to be witty and interesting, but also give away some helpful information.

Immersive Experiences Postcards

As a handout at our AX Summit conference, the postcards had to have a hook that’s emotional and relatable. In terms of content, though, we wanted to use them to communicate the most relevant new experiences that virtual reality tech can enable.

I assigned four different types of experiences to the cards and matched each with a fitting line of lyrics of a popular song. This served as a visual hook getting people to reach for the cards. On the back, I introduced the theme in a broad way with emotional references, followed by a short description of a real-world use case.

Augmented Experiences Poster

As a visual hook from afar, we went with colorful posters outlining the capabilities we could offer in the fields of AR, VR, Voice, and AI. After an emotionally worded introduction, brief sections on the experience, our approach and the required technology give some more background on what to expect.

AX Summit Booklet

Lastly, we produced short a booklet focusing more on our specific offerings, highlighting our strengths and what we could do for clients specifically. The core of the booklet is made up of three sections describing our services in the fields of innovation, strategy, and execution. With a more general intro paragraph and an inviting outro paragraph added to the mix, the booklet gives potential customers a good impression on what USEEDS° stands for.

Thank you for reading! Now go back to all cases or simply reach out!

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The Pascal Heynol

Designer, writer, researcher, engineer — computational product person. Loves art, paints all too rarely. Tries to talk to computers, but they just never listen…