Beach Ecology

Blake Alexander
The Pensive Post
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2017

Truth is swans dancing on boulders by the shore.

Hummingbirds squat-fly.

The ocean chants “I am me. I am me.”

Bashing on the boulders below the swans,

Repeating the notion “I am the sea. I am the sea.”

A tear leaks out because the toads cannot laugh

And falls into a puddle

Which would also like to chant but is too far up on the sand so it waits to


And come back again

To sing “I am me. I am me.”

The pebbles on the beach feeling the spray from the waves look at the

Boulders with

Swans dancing, hummingbirds flying, toads crying, and men climbing: men

With majuscule rubber shoes that grip where feet cannot.

The rocks just feet away from the shit-colored boulder

And Altostratus pebbles

Would want to be bigger

But they’ve been suffocated by the sea.

And the swans squat-flying shedding toad-tears in lieu of


Can’t persuade those rocks to come back

When they’ve already been drowned.

