Christmas Card

Carrigan Miller
The Pensive Post
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2017

I was born

with the umbilical cord

wrapped around my neck,

kicking and pissing

and red. My father

laughed and my mother

cried and the doctors

snip snip snipped.

And you were creating

new geographies of

jointless limbs, red

pins and strings

on a map of the

United States

where each city is

a character.

You were speaking

a new body language,

useless like falling snow

that melts as it touches

the pavement,

and you were

dancing physical metaphors,

emotional synesthesia.

You spoke nonsense with

conviction and hated

us for not understanding


I stayed up all night

to watch the snow fall,

flakes spinning under

streetlights like

constellations framed

in the lenses of telescopes.

I have a hunch.

I think you

were also born

with an umbilical

cord around

your neck

because you were

kicking and pissing

and laughing

and crying,

because I don’t


people like us

ever lose

that first sensation.



Carrigan Miller
The Pensive Post

Sophomore, Macalester College. Editor-at-large at Pensive, sports editor at Mac Weekly. Football player, activist, record collector. Twitter: @carriganm72