Donald Trump Lies Too Much

David Harbeck
The Pensive Post
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2017

What is Donald Trump thinking?

I am honestly curious. What is his game plan when he tweets about Barack Obama wiretapping his phones? I have a lot of questions for him really, like why he pretends to be a conservative, why does he think the Obama birth certificate conspiracy wasn’t a conspiracy, but climate change is. I am growing tired of the falsehoods…Trump would probably tell me I’ve been reading too much fake news.

I moved on from underestimating President Trump a long time ago. I think people who see him as a bumbling idiot are dead wrong and being duped. I think he has a plan, and I just want to know what it is. What reason could he possibly have for blatantly lying? Because it would make no sense for him to tweet about wiretapping, and persistently stand by it, without a specific goal in mind. Maybe he has some evidence he is holding away from us, or is hoping to distract us for a bigger story. President Obama has obviously tapped phones in the past (like Angela Merkel’s) but Trump’s claim has been investigated and disproven.

It’s painful to watch Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer scramble to cover for his accusations. I feel bad for them really, they are Trump’s pawns who he pushes forward to be ruthlessly shredded by the media for every word they say. Granted they make it worse on themselves when they talk about hi-tech microwave surveillance.

Are there more important stories out there than Trump’s confusing lie? I want to say yes, Trumpcare comes to mind, but that seems to be getting a lot of coverage in the news already. I understand that people are tired of getting hung up on Trump’s tweets and want to focus on policy, but when Trump foolishly stands by a weird conspiracy like this, are we supposed to just let it go?

We have a right to know why our President is throwing serious accusations at our former president. What scares me is this story might just disappear soon and Trump’s base will just accept the accusations as fact.

Even if the statement is harmless, it’s important to remember that taxpayers pay for Trump’s salary now and he owes us the truth. We deserve the truth, and for Trump to say he “very seldom” regrets tweets is concerning, as there are a plethora of tweets he should regret.

I hope Trump succeeds as president, but for that to happen Melania might need to change his Twitter password.

Trump’s refusal to back down from his lies is almost as concerning as the lies themselves. Trump was able to show grace during his state of the union address, yet he refuses to show any when people tell him he is wrong. There is no drawing a line between Trump lying on Twitter and being an honest and trustworthy President. Many disregard Trump’s falsehoods as him being a “character” and that is a dangerous road to go down.

If Trump is okay lying about these odd conspiracies, he will be okay lying about policy and information that will have more serious ramifications.

