She Sits Far But Within Sight

Blake Alexander
The Pensive Post
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2018
“Hole in my cheek” oil on paper painted by Skye Volmar:

He pens her large toe blue,

pilfering pristine from limb. She

shields all her items with acrylic

paint, including his chest.

He wants her unfiltered and

whole. Everything but her

body. For if he were to get it

how he’d like, his eyes and her

eyes would be closed or only

seeing parts and he wants neither.

She wants neither. It’s only

been months of having her

raw. It’s only been months of

being had raw: ill, tender, and

entirely exposed. But, he professes

and she confesses and they sink,

famished, through obdurate air

keeping them too far.

