We’ve Already Gotten to Where We’re Going

Blake Alexander
The Pensive Post
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2017
Photo by Tegwen Evans

Soon they’ll charge for sunlight. Children will spend their $20 weekly allowance playing kickball in the sun and “we’re not there yet” will become “somehow we’re here” and people won’t need the sun because they’ll be in their houses on the moon or on the moon in their houses and why would you want things when you have things and we thought our way out of god’s love and now we can eat meat made without animals and it only costs $300,000 but if we use regression or progression or some kind of ‘gression using a logarithmic scale we can conclude that humans have been thinking linearly but we must think exponentially like how computer processors per dollar per size is somehow good, everything is now good because humans are super because nanobots will infuse with flesh and everything is better because humans have robots in them that give them super strength and virtual reality is now real because our neocortex is connected to the cloud and we’re floating.

