8 Micro Habits To Help You Lead A Better Life

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6 min readJun 26, 2023

Humans are nothing but creatures of habit. And the things we do on a daily basis are shaped by our habits. From an early morning walk to your bedtime skincare routine, you frequently rely on the habits you’ve developed to get through the day. However, attempting to alter your schedule in order to live a better life, establishing new habits or eliminating old ones, could be a powerful move. Still, many of us find that incorporating new habits into our lives is easier said than done.

This is where micro habits come in handy.

What Are Micro Habits?

Micro habits are little, everyday practices that will lead to significant outcomes. They are simple to adopt into your life because they are inexpensive and do not need much time. If you are a single parent juggling work and family or a multitasking housewife, building micro-habits can help accomplish great outcomes by taking modest, straightforward actions.

If you are wondering what some examples of micro habits are, they can be anything basic ranging from sipping a glass of warm water every morning to going for a run or making a to-do list. Whether you want to organise your schedule, exercise more frequently, spend less time browsing, bond with yourself, or do anything else, micro habits can help.


  1. Release the dopamine rush: Each day, the brain has a limited capacity for decision-making, and the surge of dopamine and smartphones is a war for your attention. If you scroll when you are bored, it suggests you are firing a lot of neurons for no reason. Use this moment to pursue a healthy diet and lifestyle, which will boost your body’s natural synthesis of dopamine and help your brain function at its optimum.
  2. Meditate/ pray for one minute every day: Unexpected obstacles frequently overwhelm our natural coping systems, leaving us prone to burnout and hypertension. We can effectively discipline our minds to endure the storm by cultivating the practice of daily meditation or prayer. If you want to make prayer or meditation a habit but find it difficult to sit quietly, clear your thoughts, and focus, start small — with a one-minute session.

3. Work on your posture: Poor posture can have a negative impact on energy levels, resulting in tiredness. Improving your posture entails more than simply standing upright to appear more confident. It is critical to your long-term health. An improved posture can also allow you to breathe more easily, protect your nerves and blood vessels, and support your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

4. Put things back when you are done: Once you set out to tidy a room, it is generally because there is a problem in that space right now. You may begin with a small item, such as committing to returning your coat to the closet rather than hanging it on a chair when you arrive home. Alternatively, instead of leaving your teacup on the counter, commit to putting it in the dishwasher after you are done. It involves building a habit, which means once you become used to it, this will happen without you needing to do anything extra.

5. Pick up that fruit: Fruits and vegetables are essential components of a well-balanced diet and can help you stay healthy. It is essential that you consume them in sufficient amounts. Instead of an all-or-nothing attitude, consider implementing one micro habit into each meal, such as including at least one fruit or vegetable.

Adding a handful of berries to your morning, a salad with lunch, or perhaps a green accompaniment with dishes you already enjoy will be far easier than attempting to alter everything at once.

6. Create a habit of gratitude: People who approach life with gratitude are continuously aware of what they should be grateful for. They have lower levels of stress and depression, can deal with adversity better, and sleep much better. They are generally happier, more content with life, and satisfied with their relationships. Set a few minutes aside each morning or evening to focus on your blessings. Looking for the good and filling your head with positive thoughts is a fantastic way to begin or conclude your day.

7. Deep breaths to calm your anger: Those “fight-or-flight” responses with your child or your partner, make you more liable to yell, throw a punch, or do something rash. When you are about to get upset with someone, take three or four deep belly breaths through your nose before you speak. Since you can’t directly control your heart rate or adrenaline, deep breathing helps signal to the body that things are cool, which calms all those fight-or-flight responses. The key is to practise this micro-habit in low or no-stress situations, so it becomes automatic when you are under stress.

8. Offer an act of kindness: Caring for people and doing things to improve their life is what kindness entails. An act of compassion does not have to be time-consuming or costly. It might be something basic that increases emotions of confidence, control, enjoyment, and optimism. While many habits we develop are geared toward self-improvement, this one alters your life by doing things for others. Doing simple things like complimenting a stranger, opening the door for someone, or giving someone a hug are all meaningful gestures that will make someone else’s and your day better.


You must make micro habits a resolution even though they are little but significant steps toward your ultimate goal. Taking major measures to form a new habit can be tricky. You might easily become disheartened, and there’s a good chance you will quit your goal before it becomes a habit.

However, by starting small and using micro-habits, you can make embracing a novel way of being much smoother. Get comfortable with that tiny adjustment, and then push your boundaries even further.

A micro habit may help you influence any aspect of your life, including your health, happiness, professional ambitions, and relationships. By adopting micro habits, you will be able to achieve the changes you desire in your life without becoming stressed or putting yourself up for disappointment.

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