Benefits of Having Pets

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6 min readJun 25, 2023

Getting a pet is a life-changing commitment. But how do pets make our life better? Pets have been shown to bring significant emotional benefits, but they require time, understanding, and training. It might be difficult to determine when you are ready for a pet, especially if you have children. While it is natural to want a cuddly, warm companion, the responsibilities and costs of providing adequate pet care are real.

Consider the repercussions of bringing a new pet into your home before deciding to keep your pet safe and happy while keeping yourself sane. Although there are certain drawbacks to owning a pet, if you plan carefully, it could be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Still unsure whether you are ready to become a pet parent? Here is a list to help you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of keeping a pet to help you decide if you are up for the challenge.

Advantages Of Having A Pet

Having a pet can be a delightful experience for most people. With that in mind, consider the following benefits of keeping a pet.

1. Increased Personal Safety: One distinct advantage of owning a pet only applies to larger, free-ranging animals. Pets, particularly dogs, can provide a sense of security in your life. You can even choose a dog breed based on their ability to watch, guard, and alert by doing some study ahead of time. If you have older parents who live away from home, having a dog might be an excellent way to protect them while also elder-proofing their homes.

Smaller dogs, cats, and exotics, on the other hand, have alerted their owners to impending risks such as fire or gas leaks. When deciding whether or not to get a pet, keep in mind that your new family member may play an important role in keeping you safe.

2. Improved Health: There are many health and mood-boosting benefits of having pets. Surveys suggest that pet owners are more likely to engage in more physical activity than non-pet owners. Having a dog, for example, entails taking them for a daily walk, which benefits pet owners’ weight management and improves overall health. Furthermore, exposing children to pets may be quite useful since it helps strengthen children’s immune systems.

3. Makes you more responsible: Having a pet also entails the responsibility of caring for another living being. It must be fed on a regular basis and kept in a pleasant habitat. Since your pet’s survival is dependent on you, it is bound to make you much more responsible. As a result, pets may be an excellent means of teaching you responsibility and shaping your character.

This is not only good for adults but also parents with children who want to teach them delegation of responsibility by outsourcing some daily chores like feeding or playing with the pet, etc.

4. Unconditional love and companionship: A pet is someone you can cuddle with, go for walks with, travel in the car with, or just hang out with on the couch. You will undoubtedly experience heightened delight and love, regardless of the type of pet you adopt. Pets have an extraordinary power to soothe us while also tugging at our emotions in ways that nothing else can. They may also help you break out of a funk and turn a bad day around.

5. Someone to nurture: It is satisfying to return a dog’s or cat’s unconditional affection, and many pet parents like being able to nurture and treat their pets in return. If you do not have your own children but want to someday, adding a pet to your family can help you gain experience caring for a dependent. Furthermore, pet parenting can be rewarding and joyful for individuals as a whole.

6. Pets empathise with you: Regardless of what kind of pet you adopt, most older pets can sense when their human companion is sick or having a terrible day. On those less-than-ideal days, having someone to cuddle with that actually cares about your well-being is a tremendous help.

On the other hand, you learn to be more empathic as you develop a strong bond with your pet over time. This is necessary not only for owning a pet but also for connecting with other people and having a pet can help you considerably strengthen this important skill.

7. Improved mental health: Having a pet is also a great way to keep your mind engaged. It has been demonstrated to improve the health of those suffering from mental health issues. They can help with a wide range of issues, from treating post-traumatic stress disorder to supporting folks who are depressed.

Pets may also help you cope with your emotions, particularly if you are going through a difficult period. Animals such as hamsters are so adorable that simply looking at them improves your mood. A dog or cat’s cuddles or a friendly welcome dance may brighten even the worst of days.

As a result, having a pet can be quite beneficial on an emotional level, particularly if you are currently struggling with your mental condition and seeking comfort. However, if you have major psychiatric concerns, owning a pet may not be enough, and you need to consult a professional to help you overcome your problems.

8. Built-in icebreaker: Pets are usually not hesitant to greet people first. If striking up a conversation is not one of your strong skills, this can work to your benefit. Being out and about with your pet may make it simpler to meet new people and neighbours.

Even if your pet is not around, they can serve as a great conversation starter or general topic. The issue of “pets” is rather universal, and many individuals can connect to it. It’s a topic that individuals are comfortable talking about with others.

Keep an eye out for the downsides

Having pets has several drawbacks, the most significant of which is the obligation of caring for them. Being a responsible pet owner entails properly feeding and exercising the animals in your care, as well as ensuring that they receive necessary medical treatment and yearly immunizations, which are not cheap. You also need to be mindful of the health issues that they may bring into the house, such as allergies and parasites.

Another thing to consider when having a pet is whether the animal may expose you to additional hazards. You are likely to feel your pet will never injure you but be prepared for unpleasant shocks and do not approach your pet like a rational individual. Being a little vigilant can keep you safe from certain hazards.

Moreover, having a pet means you will be at the mercy of their schedule. They might wake you up at night and also demand some time throughout the day, which may interfere with your own routine. This means you will need to return home on a frequent basis to ensure that your pet is fed, allowed outside (if you have a dog), and checked.

Having a pet, whether it is a dog, a cat, a fish, or an elephant, is a unique adventure. However, it is not a stroll in the park due to the numerous complications that come with keeping a pet. On the flip side, these hardships are what have trained individuals to be responsible and capable of providing for others.


