Of Decluttering And Dealing With Tantrums: 10 Tips For Effectively Organising Your Kid’s Toys

Sunetra Ghose
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2023

Ask any parent, and they’ll confirm: if you believed your home was messy before having kids, brace yourself for their arrival. Beyond the expected baby gear and attire, your space becomes a hub for an influx of toys, both gifted and self-purchased.

Ever experienced that sense of overwhelm and distraction with too many browser tabs open? Our kids encounter a similar feeling when surrounded by excessive toys.

As young minds engage in play, they’re actively learning and growing. However, an environment cluttered with toys leads to overstimulation, hindering focus and inducing stress. Just as we struggle to concentrate with a multitude of digital distractions, kids bounce from toy to toy, equally overwhelmed.

On the flip side, consider the contrast. Like focusing on a single task with minimal digital tabs open, a tidy play environment allows children to concentrate, learn, and thrive.

Decluttering your belongings poses its challenges, yet handling your children’s toys introduces additional complexities. Sentimental ties, choices for younger siblings, and the risk of upset over toy donations to charity shops are all considerations.

Here are some tips on how you can declutter without the disapproval of your little ones:

  1. Understanding Why There Are So Many Toys

The majority of toys children have are typically gifts from you or others, not self-purchased. If an excess of toys fills your home, it’s worth introspecting. Ask yourself why this is the case. Examining your motivations can offer valuable insights towards resolving this issue.

2. Assign A Space For Storing The Toys

Designate a specific physical area — be it a container, shelf, or closet — for your children’s toys. Once this space is filled, no more toys can be added. Clearly define these boundaries to teach your children this principle. If they wish to add new items (such as during holidays or birthdays), they must first make space by removing something else.

3. Aim For Quality Over Quantity

Opt for toys selected for their quality craftsmanship and engaging play value rather than sheer quantity. Just as in life, an excess of toys can overshadow the truly meaningful ones, benefiting both you and your children.

4. Keep A Budget For Toys

Just as you allocate budgets for different aspects of your life like groceries, clothing, and entertainment, applying this principle to toys helps maintain balanced spending and consumption. If you haven’t started, begin today by establishing a monthly or yearly toy budget. Enforcing a set budget will effectively curb excessive toy purchases.

5. Do Regular Clean-Ups

Begin by removing the easily accessible items that are no longer used, a quick and effective step. Place clean, unused toys in boxes for donation to various institutions like medical centres, nonprofit organisations, churches, shelters, or schools. Dispose of the broken or soiled toys appropriately. To maintain a clutter-free environment, establish a routine for regular purging that goes beyond just the obvious items.

6. Be Mindful About Following The Latest Trends

Toy companies consistently introduce trendy “must-have” toys, creating a cultural sensation that can seem genuine. However, this manufactured craze eventually fades. Don’t feel compelled to follow the crowd just because other parents are.

7. Include Your Kids In The Purging Process

Engage your children in the decluttering journey, guiding them in choosing which toys to keep and which to let go. This valuable lesson will benefit them as they grow. Reflect on how acquiring this skill earlier in life would have been beneficial, prompting a desire for similar guidance.

8. Introduce Other Toy-Less Activities

While children naturally lean towards specific interests, broaden their horizons by regularly introducing them to non-toy-related activities.

9. Avoid More Of The Same Toys

Instead, encourage your children to embrace vital life lessons like sharing, generosity, cooperation, and compromise. So when they have the same toys, they know better.

10. Keep A Tab On Your Toys As Well

Children absorb lessons more from actions than words. If your life revolves around always possessing the latest trends and products, theirs will likely follow suit. Anticipating any different outcome would be impractical.

We’re Not Toying Around

By keeping these tips in consideration, you can find tranquillity in managing toy clutter and ensure that your family’s playtime is a delightful experience for all.


  1. https://declutteringmom.com/how-to-declutter-kids-toys-without-any-tears/
  2. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/house-and-home/declutter-your-home/a570137/organising-decluttering-your-childrens-toys/
  3. https://www.thebump.com/a/decluttering-toys-tips
  4. https://modernminimalism.com/how-to-declutter-toys/

