Colour Theory & Psychology To Add The Right Hues To Your Space

Sunetra Ghose
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2023

It’s common for individuals to be drawn to specific colours when designing their interior spaces, whether it’s an instinctual choice or the result of thorough research. However, what many may not realise is that there exists a systematic process for understanding and skillfully pairing colours in the realm of interior design.

What is Colour Theory?

In the visual arts, designers leverage specific definitions, guidelines, and rules to effectively communicate with their audience by skillfully blending colours. Simply put, colour theory acts as the scientific foundation dictating which colours complement each other harmoniously and the artistic skill involved in combining them cohesively. It serves as a bridge between the scientific understanding of colour interactions and the creative expression involved in crafting visually appealing designs.

Colour Theory In Home Design

In the realm of home design, a grasp of colour theory proves invaluable for achieving harmonious colour schemes. The selection of appropriate hues becomes essential, given their capacity to influence moods, contribute to the overall ambiance, and impact an individual’s emotional state.

Colours wield a significant influence on human psychology and emotions. Homeowners frequently employ diverse colour schemes in different areas of their homes to evoke varied moods and atmospheres. Lighter tones may be chosen to instil a sense of calm and openness, while bolder statements are made with the use of darker colours.

In essence, the thoughtful application of colour theory empowers individuals to curate spaces that not only please the eye but also resonate with the desired emotions and experiences within each room.

Colour Theory and Your Mind

If you’re wondering how different colours can impact your moods and behaviours, here are a few hues that can help you make an informed decision.

  1. Hues Of Blues

The colour blue is frequently linked with feelings of tranquillity and calmness. Its inherently soothing nature has the ability to evoke a sense of peace and relaxation.

In spaces prioritising relaxation, like bedrooms or living rooms, the inclusion of various shades of blue can be highly beneficial. This colour palette has the potential to establish a serene atmosphere, fostering an environment conducive to unwinding after a long and hectic day.

2. Calming Whites

White is often associated with psychological concepts of innocence, purity, and completion, making it a versatile choice in interior design. Beyond its symbolic meanings, white has the practical advantage of creating a sense of spaciousness, particularly in areas like your living room. Choosing the right shade of white can lend a modern and stylish aesthetic to the room, enhancing its overall visual appeal.

3. Versatile Neutrals

Neutral colours such as white, beige, and grey, paired with the inherent warmth of timber finishes, bring a timeless charm to home decor. These hues cultivate an atmosphere of elegance and tranquillity, imparting a sense of spaciousness, invitation, and comfort to rooms. The versatility of neutrals lies in their ability to serve as a harmonious backdrop for other colours, offering a lasting touch of sophistication to any space.

4. Warming Reds and Oranges

Residing at opposite ends of the colour spectrum, reds and oranges are dynamic hues with divergent connotations. They can signify aggression, danger, or sacrifice, while also representing comfort, love, and success. These vibrant colours have the remarkable ability to stimulate conversation and cultivate an inviting atmosphere, eliciting enthusiasm, enhancing confidence, and even influencing physiological responses such as metabolism and heart rate. In the realm of interior design, it’s prudent to contemplate incorporating red or orange accents in spaces designated for social interaction, such as the dining room or kitchen.

5. Regal Purple

The colour purple boasts a captivating history, once exclusively reserved for the robes of kings to emphasise their regal superiority, power, and opulent wealth. Designers have always been cognizant of the complexities involved in pairing this enigmatic colour, understanding that the wrong shade can quickly disrupt the overall aesthetic harmony. Remarkably, purple possesses the unique ability to impart a sense of luxuriousness to any room it adorns. For those aiming to infuse their living spaces with an air of opulence, contemplating the inclusion of shades of purple in key areas, such as the master bedroom or a formal dining room, can be a sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing choice.

6. Serene Greens

Whether you gravitate towards lime, mint, or sage, various shades of green consistently evoke feelings of refreshment and tranquillity. As an inherently natural colour, green is closely associated with concepts of growth, renewal, and the essence of life itself. Its soothing quality makes it synonymous with peace, relaxation, and a profound sense of security, conjuring images of nature’s serene embrace.

In the world of interior design, the versatility of green is evident as it effortlessly transitions between being an unobtrusive backdrop and a bold focal point. Consider introducing touches of green to spaces like your home office or reading nook, leveraging its ability to promote both productivity and relaxation.

7. Think Pink

With its calming and feminine aura, pink symbolises love and kindness. In the realm of interior design, pink finds its place in living rooms, bathrooms, or the bedrooms of young girls, contributing to the creation of a joyful and blissful atmosphere.

Balance Out Contrasting Colours

The enchantment of true design often emerges from the graceful interplay of diverse colours. Skillfully blending contrasting hues can evoke captivating visual intrigue and elicit multifaceted emotional responses. The key to this design alchemy lies in achieving a harmonious balance, steering clear of monotony, and infusing your living spaces with vibrant vitality.

Consider the transformative power of pairing serene blues with invigorating oranges or seamlessly melding the warmth of yellows with the coolness of greys. Such thoughtful combinations can orchestrate a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment. In the realm of home design, it is the artful fusion of colours that metamorphoses a space into a well-rounded and visually captivating masterpiece.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, your home should be a sanctuary, a space where you genuinely feel comfortable and at ease. Although using colour theory and its psychology provides valuable insights into the mood-altering potential of different hues, the key lies in finding a harmonious balance between these principles and your unique preferences. It’s the seamless fusion of colour theory, psychology with personal taste that authentically transforms your living space into a haven of true comfort and self-expression.



