Finding Happiness

Neha Wadhwa
4 min readApr 5, 2019

“What we have is a gift from the universe. What we do with it is our gift to the universe”

We are all born with an internal genetic make up per our family tree, that which we inherit from our parents & blood relations. Each type of unique gene combination that we inherit has a strong attribute that it possesses. Some of us have strong authority, empathy, entrepreneurship etc — there are thousands I can think of. Our genetic make up is not by chance. This is intentional genetic make up that, when combined with our soul plan enables us to fulfil our life purpose. Our soul plan is the exposure we have to people and situations that activate specific genes within us. This is where relationships, including friendships come in. The ones we ‘relate to’/ ‘resonate with’ the most are meant to activate those genes within us that will propel us forward onto our soul plan / life purpose. The same can be said towards all ideas / thoughts/ principles that ‘touch’ us in a way that make us come alive. This is our true inheritance and it is constantly evolving. Our mind however, has a nature of ‘embodying’ behavioural patterns unconsciously. When we ‘relate’ to someone, we also expose ourselves them and may end up embodying that behaviour which is not per true resonance but through the unconscious impressionable nature of our mind. This unconscious embodiment of behavioural patterns that are caused due to being ‘impressed upon’ may not be in alignment with our inner authenticity. Inorder to help us realise our own unconscious behaviour, we are put through situations that highlight this to us — a little bit like a dog chasing his own tail — like something is on repeat, and we need to really look at what is being revealed to us.

Our life has been designed for success, because the universe does not want us to fail. It wants us to succeed — no matter how many tries it takes. And so, what we look at as ‘failure’, is actually just cosmic redirection.

Like everything in life, even gene attributes have a ‘light’ side and a ‘shadow’ side. Like — authority figures have narcissism, dominance has bullying. If we have been exposed to someone who activated our authority side, we may have also activated the narcissism within us, without realising. We judge the negative aspects very strongly. Because at some point, someone used it against us and it did not feel good. The truth is, we are being pushed to look at who we are through our relationships and patterns, be aware of our unique selves and accept — even the ‘shadow’ aspects that we truly resonate with. We need everything we have when we are at our most authentic self. The difference is we can now use our discernment and use all these aspects with awareness on our journey. What skills/ traits we need but dont have within us, we surely have through someone else in our eco-system — most likely our current relationships. It is essential that we overcome ‘ego’ based mind sets and value others for who they are by understanding them instead of using ‘judgement’. Collaboration is a tool designed for success. The universe has designed nature in the most beautiful way — the currency for being on the soul plan and valuing and using our gifts is ‘happiness’. And the universe has its own magical way of delivering our currency — we just need to overcome our fears and be open to receiving our own rewards. The issue is we define how we receive happiness, but the key to receiving true happiness is to step out of the mind, which understands ‘pleasure’. The mind is essentially a super sophisticated computer — it can generate results/ ideas / thoughts per what is fed to it. It can also go on an addictive spree of thought, if not disciplined. It however, can not create without external stimulation. True happiness is not dependent on any external stimulation. It is created by doing that which brings us ‘joy’. And more often than not, these tasks are very simple in nature and need no external stimulus. They do, however, need an open heart and a quiet mind. Because only with an open heart, when we are at our natural state of being, can we receive that which the universe truly desires to send our way. We dont have to ‘chase’ happiness / peace — the universe brings it to us.

