Neha Wadhwa
4 min readJan 22, 2019

The ultimate space of finding peace and living in surrender is that of oneness within the self. When we accept and love ourselves completely — just the way we are. This space is one where the one can tune into the true vibration of love. Oneness is our primary space as a human collective. Oneness of mind, body & soul. Fear, guilt, shame, are the elements that disturb our inner alignment. This separation from oneness was introduced when we accepted duality: the concepts of good/ bad, right/wrong. We created a separation within ourselves and made room for self-judgement.

Through our life, we are exposed to experiences that show us where we have these elements of disruption embodied in our conscious or sub conscious behavioral patterns. Sometimes, the toughest change to embody for one can be the easiest for another. It is all a function of our primal conditioning and how deep rooted certain self- defeating patterns are. Sometimes our conditioning is in alignment with our soul plan and our life goes pretty smoothly, while for some of us, we really need to break free from our patterns as they go against our soul essence. Which is why defining ‘success’ in a limited way as currently designed by society i.e through the route of capitalism is well, unfair. Hence it is essential that we shift from the limitations of ‘right place, right time’ to — relevant place, relevant time, relevant conditioning and alignment to soul essence as parameters for ‘successfully’ achieving that which one aims for. For me, that is moving towards oneness.

The space of oneness can be described as having the following qualities: clarity, acceptance, allowance, flow, surrender, openness. The sheer word depicts — non-duality i.e no discrimination to the extent of good/ bad, right/ wrong.

At the core, we are all pure beings. We all have our shadows and the light. In our society, however, we uphold the light and look down at the darkness within. Little do we realize that the darkness we all hold within us is what enables the light to shine to its fullest potential. We judge that darkness within us as we fear it being judged by the world outside. We suppress the darkness to create a perception that can receive validation from society at large as there are prescribed ways of behavior. People create illusions about who they are. But the those on the path towards oneness understand that the darkness is as essential and as present as the light. One feels disappointed when the illusions crash and one can see people for who they are. This disappointment can really feel like a shock to the system as most of us, very happily, choose to live in an illusionary world. And that stems from the fact that we don’t understand or accept our own truth.

The truth: of the existence of light within the darkness and the darkness within the light. We all have it. Its just about accepting it and living in a space of allowance for who we are. Because it is only once we do that, can we step into our full power. Our darkness serves a purpose — it protects us from that of the others. Awareness, is the key to knowing when we need to set boundaries and ‘take no shit’. Acceptance, compassion, understanding and kindness is what we use to ensure that we ‘do no harm’. Our darkness is a powerful gift, one we need to use responsibly. It protects us so that we can live without the disruptions of fear, guilt and shame. It is there to serve our light and anchor us. Once we accept and embody our darkness, we develop a healthy relationship with it and learn to channelize it in a healthy manner.

The path to oneness is circular and not linear — we experience cycles: a fresh start, experience and death. At the end of each cycle, we have the option of embodying the lesson we learnt and ascend. Or go about the same circle again. The beauty is that there is no judgement about how many circles we take. Once our soul steps into awareness, we step up our game towards ascension. Ascension requires us to ‘let go’ of the previous cycle and take a leap of faith to the next one. Faith is stronger once the true lesson of the past cycle has been embodied.

With each level of ascension, the cycles get shorter, until we reach that point, of oneness and we can operate from that as our constant state. It is only when we feel safe within our own being, can we experience the ultimate state of heart opening — and receiving the true energy of love. Needless to say, that with each ascension, the heart is enabled to open itself to the energy of love and flow.

Each path to oneness is a unique one as each of us comes with a unique essence. We can share our learnings and hope that those who resonate can learn from our experiences, but every single path has its own unique story to tell.

