The New Paradigm, a birth.

Neha Wadhwa
3 min readNov 13, 2018

Pretty much everything happens in cycles — birth, growth, peak, decline, degeneration, death, rebirth. Its the cycle of life. Its what we are born into and the cycle we experience on earth. Every single living organism and most experiences we have follow exactly this cycle — with different lifespans. Capitalism was born centuries ago — its birth was essential. It was required for us as a human collective to evolve and be able to organise ourselves and develop our minds. It has prevailed for centuries. A co-creation of capitalism was patriarchy — the rule of the mind. Predominantly a male dominated society, where the heart (or the feminine energy within us all) took a backseat and let the masculine lead. Systems were designed to facilitate the growth of the mind. The mind took centre stage — rewards and recognition practices were developed to shed light on out-performers. Competitions became the way of life. Be it in school, at work, or even at play. Every single thing became about who is better than the rest. Comparison was established within every human mind as just the way of functioning. And tools for comparison were birthed in the form of superior and inferior products, based on price. We achieved quite a bit through this phase. But just like every cycle, capitalism too is seeing its decline — the degeneration phase.

A few key pros of capitalism:

  • Opportunities of growth for everyone who chooses to engage with the system
  • A clear move away from survival issues of food, shelter, clothing
  • Occupation of the mind for humans — leading to (relatively) fewer interpersonal issues

The shadow side, to list a few:

  • Ego
  • The need for control
  • The requirement for Uniformity
  • A plethora of Expectations
  • A sense of ‘whats in it for me’ as opposed to ‘whats in it for us’
  • Global warming
  • Depletion of natural resources
  • Depression
  • Suicides
  • Fear
  • Terrorism
  • Manipulation
  • Inauthenticity

They say when a cycle is on its decline, the shadow side starts showing up very prominently. Clearly, this system has its limitations if recent developments are to go by. While one system dies, another starts taking birth. Hence the ‘New Paradigm’. A system based on ‘whats in it for us’. A system that, apart from providing essentials of food, shelter, clothing, also enables kindness, compassion, uniqueness, authenticity, inner peace— a society, led by the heart but organised by the mind. A space that encourages alignment between the heart and the mind. Where the true human identity takes the lead as opposed to a fear based paradigm of wearing masks to create perceptions that enable growth. A uniquely balanced way of living where collaboration is the way of life. Where ‘winning’ is not a ‘one man show’, but instead a collectively conscious choice of it being a win-win for everyone in the eco-system. Where ones sense of self and worth is not linked to anything outside of ones authenticity. Where authenticity trumps ego.

Its a space where equality is valued — because gender is not the basis of differentiation, but instead considered to be a spectrum within which we all have our unique space. One where all of us have that unique balance of our inner masculine and feminine energies. Where rest, nurturing and nature is respected and valued just as much as hustle, creativity, movement. Its a system that enables the intangible value of the ‘yin’.

A system where we define new ways of relating to one another. Where competition is replaced by collective intelligence and co-dependency is replaced by co-creation. One where we tap into an intelligence that superior to the mind — a space where we value our own intuitive intelligence.

Its a new system — it needs to be nurtured. But its happening. And I cant wait to watch it grow.

Its The New Paradigm.

Its a space of Authenticity.

And it has only just begun.

Here is a quick link to how — its a talk by the genius Jean-Francois Noubel from Holo Chain

Title: From Homo Sapiens to Holo Sapiens: Post Monetary Technologies to Enable Collective Intelligence

