Surprises? Spoilers? I hate this! — Reader’s Guide to the Pins’ Posts

Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2020


If you’re redirected from our online places or shared by someone who linked from his/her works here, you’re on the right place! Not from us or wrong number? We think you’re got dead end, but you can send us some love and feedback on improving this Help Center article.

Reading an article with spoiler and/or other surprises like this one below (tap/click SHOW EMBED if you’re DNT protected). LOL, some anime fix below and you gonna guess it…

…or this crap… (Poof, wrong number?)

Get it? Well, sorry for the fandom business here. Now, scroll down to read the FAQs and guiding you on how to. Period.

Okay, okay. So, what are these forking spoiler tags?

Spoiler tags (or referred to as ‘surprises tags” in our digital publications) are one of the tags mostly you see on the Web warning you about things you’ll get surprised. Here are some samples were collected across the web, so eat these:

Staff note from one of my posts at with the link to this article as of July 11 on PH Standard Time.
Heavy spoiler tag on My Hero Academia Wikia as of July 11 on PH Standard Time with Season 4 premiere (Whoops, small spoiler!).
Here’s more from

If you see these tags, please PROCEED only at YOUR RISK. Can’t proceed because of various reasons like “I don’t know this,” or “I’m not interested,” or even “I didn’t watch The Force Awakens movie”? Okay, we respect your decision, be careful next time.

Hmm… I want to avoid those Games of Thrones spoilers or elsewhere. Any help?

Some text at this section are from “Your Daily Itinerary If You Were Trying To Avoid Game Of Thrones ..” N.p, n.d. Web. 11 Jul. 2019 <>.

Try these tricks to avoid those sneaky spoilers, even you’re not a fan of Games of Thrones.

  • Wake up to an old school sound and avoid open up your Telegram and read chats from your groups for Games of Thrones fans (or for duelists). You’ll expect your friend sent to that private group or thru DM about the latest 5 episodes you forgot to watch. Visited Telegram because you played Chat Wars? Mute ’em out and shoot to the archives only if you got the latest app update.
  • Before going to work or school dressed up even the heat is on, wear earmuffs because sometimes the earphones are not enough to block those people’s voices about Duel Academy arc in Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V.
  • If someone got spoiled about your fandoms, get “Detroit Smashed” close to his/her face and say seriously, “It’s [insert fandom name here]. You spoil it, you _____.” It takes a year or more for that “magic card” to effect, depending on your target.
  • Browsing the internet? Look for alternative ways to handle and censor spoilers without even knowing others online like using an extension specialized to censor Game of Thrones spoilers.

Hmmm, I’m interested in your Censorship Firewall GitBook space. Is it open-sourced?

An quick note: The Pins’ Censorship Firewall GitBook space is not a replacement to your organization/ISP/government’s censorship page. It was an space used for give our Internet visitors a warning about what content they want to see. Our redirecting service is currently experimental and some features may break.

Yes, it found here on GitHub and always synced with GitBook whatever we update it on one side and you update it on the other side. You can fork it with your Markdown code and/or even use it in your instance.

Someone outside the team redirected me here. Help!

Check what you clicked. If you got the wrong number, just go back one step and continue reading on.

We hope this mini-guide will help you, but if you want more, see this article from our handbook on how we handle spoilers. Happy reading!

P.S.: We’ll still updating this guide as we receive reader’s feedback.



Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog

Open-source maintainer and backend JS dev at Recap Time Squad, multifandom, #ActuallyAutistic blogger, currently student.