New year, new goals! 🎉 Cheers to that. 🍻

Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2020

Meanwhile, on the Recap Time, I was under work on different stuff that thinks I was not posting anymore (or experiencing writer’s block) for my Medium followers. Until I posted a new Medium article before my 14th birthday. Did I surprised you? Okay, read on.

First, the 2019 Year-End Report…

The Pins team’s 2019 Year-End Report is ready for public preview. While I finalizing some touches to the report and its site, it shouldn’t be later than February 2 as per my mental todos.

If you want an preview, eat this Google Sites preview link. Soon, you can navigate to once the SSL issues are resolved on Cloudflare’s edge servers side.

Second, Deku-kun’s New Year Resolutions for 2020

Not like the past years where I am mostly left my resolutions blank, my 2020 resolutions are some sort of open-source things and the life of a coder.

  • Try blogging with GatsbyJS in 21 days. A hundred days of Gatsby blogging seems to be hard for me because of schoolwork and my confusing schedule. Try #100DaysOfGatsby next year?
  • Dig more into coding with Node.js. Swift required a macOS computer (or do some workarounds) to get started, so I picked Node.js instead for server-side handling.
  • Write more on Wattpad and Medium. Help needed because I am experiencing writer’s block and other issues.
  • Build more apps on Glitch. The more, the merrier! It should be open-sourced by default to get community support in case I need some coding help.
  • Make another podcast available on Telegram. See our newly-released Podcast Availability Website for more info. I started making mirror of IRL Podcast on Telegram last year, but the next one will announced to be have its first episodes on TG soon. (See our wishlist for details!)

⬇If you are curious about my resolutions above, please continue reading on to learn more.⬇

Blogging with Gatsby

Using Gatsby to blog? Let’s try it for 21 days on Glitch (see below why) and I’ll share with you the results afterward. (If you’re curious about, eat this or scroll down.)

Dig more into coding with Node.js

JavaScript on the server-side, eh? Maybe Node.js is the thing we’re talking about. While I am on my way to learning about the PHP language, I diverted my attention to Node.js and JavaScript itself. (Yes, JS is client-side and mostly seen in modern browsers while Node is server-side.)

You may think that JavaScript is like Orcale’s Java, but they’re different. To learn more for dummies, eat this article.

Write more on Wattpad and Medium

In the past few months, you see me inactive on writing ideas, but starting this January, I am now writing ideas behind the scenes. Help wanted and needed to keep things and the juices up.

More apps to build on Glitch

Speaking of writing more code in Node.js, you expect to see me build more on Glitch this 2020. As I write and build more, it might make debugging a little longer.

Asking how Glitch looks like? Take these.

A preview to the Glitch’s web editor on project dorian-guide.

Another podcast on Telegram, right?

In last year, I mirrored IRL Podcast to Telegram through a dedicated channel. Please be advised that that channel is not an official way to listen to IRL. It is recommended to listen from official sources unless you want to rock on. While I pulling Season 4 episodes there (also on a dedicated bot too), I am also looking for other podcasts available for download the raw episode audio and upload it to Telegram.

For the sake of avoiding copyright issues, the team only accepts and/or mirrors podcasts licensed under an free license, particularly the CC BY-SA license. If in doubt, check the podcast’s copyright info first and reach us out for help.

#JirohAt14Countdown on Twitter and Telegram

As my 14th birthday to come, a new tradition had been started almost a week ago. A week full of challenges, like Would You Rathers and some sort of math.

If you ever missed the countdown on Twitter, there was a moment for that. Eat this link and explore the challenges.

If you prefer to go to the usual way, open Twitter -> 🔍 -> type @kuys_potpot and select my face (If you search by my name, you’ll also see other inactive accounts due to login issues.) -> Moments -> #JirohAt14Countdown on Recap Time.

#MovingToGitLab in progress…

Yes, you’ve heard it. I got moved my repositories (includong the team’s projects) to After some months, those now GitHub mirrors will be read-only and our #MovingToGitLab reply bots will reply and close automatically when you made an new issue or PR in few seconds.


Thank you for your contribution, but the team had been moved to GitLab, so this GitHub repo will be read-only in the near future. PRs and issues made on GitHub will be closed shortly after the receipt of this message. To learn more, read our #MovingToGitLab policies from our handbook.

If you want to continue, please reference this GH issue when creating a new one on We’ll help you out better and some of us occasionally check our GitHub mirrors' PRs and issues and respond within months. Please accept our apologies about that.


The Pins Team

Sounds you need to migrate to GitLab right? Importing is easy, but you need to do alot of work to make sure your contributors are ready too.

Haha, I ran out of ideas for this article. After this, I’ll start a new Medium series in a series of posts. Stay tuned on Twitter for more details and don’t forget to make a wish for my birthday.

Happy writing!



Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog

Open-source maintainer and backend JS dev at Recap Time Squad, multifandom, #ActuallyAutistic blogger, currently student.