Team Updates — A new Medium publication, changed publication URL change, and Twitch channels? (oh my!)

Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2020

Since we rarely post updates about what we’re doing, many things are the things you missed even before the pandemic starts. Don’t worry, we got you covered!

Heads up! We updated this post on 9–1–2020 8:10PM (PH Standard Time) to fix some grammar and browoken link bugs.

🎊 A new publication for Recap Time

Yes, you heard it. We got a new, separate publication for Recap Time. Also, yours truly had made a new publication logo that used for Recap Time, here on Medium, and will be on Telegram, Twitter (and spoiler: Twitch), soon.

That was designed on Canva. Feel free to send us feedback so we can improve it.

As we speak, we’re busy crafting the first issue that we'll release it on January 2021. But if you want a preview, be one of our patrons on Pateron to get exclusive access to our draft. Feel free to subscribe to the newsletter to be the first to read the first issue once it’s out.

ℹ️ OwO, we changed our publication URL for the team blog.

Months ago, we changed the publication name to The Pins Team Blog. On August 8, we asked Medium Support to change our publication URL into and they granted our wish, so we thanked them.

🔓We unlocked a special repository in our GitHub placeholder account.

Our special repository contains a list of team members and links where you can find us outside GitHub.

❔ And, Twitch?

Yes, we got two Twitch channels. One for the main channel, and one for Recap Time. We’ll go live soon in the form of test broadcasts to learn how to broadcast. In a meanwhile, follow us there to be the first to get notified.

💬 Leaving Keybase when?

Ryan Lester from Cyph sent us a message thru our address, inviting us to leave Keybase and look for alternatives. We’re not yet ready to move out, but we saved our special invite link for later use.

And, that’s it for now. Follow us on Twitter and Telegram for more updates on what we do next. Have a nice day and stay safe!



Andrei Jiroh Halili
The Pins Team Blog

Open-source maintainer and backend JS dev at Recap Time Squad, multifandom, #ActuallyAutistic blogger, currently student.