
Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2023
Photo by Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash


I guess that is what some people call it

Today I knew this lady and her husband

Were out there gossiping about me

That’s all cool though

Let them talk

I did nothing

So full of pride

I guess that is how you treat people nowadays

I’m used to it

Obviously not the first time

I guess I can brag and show people my money

Maybe that will make it right

Oh wait

Investments didn’t fall through

Money isn’t the reason people should like you

If you did nothing and people come up with their own wild stories

And fantasies

And wanna hate you

I guess that is how it is

Okay, that’s cool

The reputation you have is everything

Isn’t it

Oh wait

Let me recap

You think it is cool to talk about people behind their back

You get satisfaction trying to mess with my kindness

Okay, I guess that is how it is

And what it is

Everybody out here is cheering like he is just an


Very few people in history been hated as much

Let the haters hate

It’s sad they don’t have much else to talk about


I guess I am gonna keep being an embarrassment

That is the name of the game when you try improving yourself

Satan is gonna put some roadblocks

Mess with other people’s heads

The thoughts are running

But let me rebuke them

I know I’m above this


I guess to everybody I am gonna be an embarrassment

Too bad to some people I am not just some average bloke

I’m a man with great ambitions


So, then I guess I’m gonna keep being an embarrassment




Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite