
Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2023
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Faith is hard to have

You got so much rivalry with others

Everybody wants to put others down

That is how some people bring themselves up

That is an existence so sad

All some people want is control

And some family wishes they were the best

I get that feeling

Competition can drive you

But some people manipulate

They act like they are trying to articulate a truth

But they are filled with thoughts so vain

I get that feeling

Some people are just too much

Stop trying to anger me

I know I got such little


Sometimes it feels like I’m just asking

And asking

And asking

And keep on taking

And sometimes I feel too kind

Too generous

But get angry when others leave me behind

I wanna be left alone sometimes

And I wanna be loved by everyone

No, I’m okay with being hated

No loved

No hated

I get it

I just need a little

A little

A little what


There is lots of pressure sometimes

I don’t want to burst

An outpour of emotions

Is this how it is supposed to be to some people

Or what

I know my strength is little

By now I should understand that

I’m weak

Did I set out what I been meaning to set out


I get it

I just need a little bit of


I feel like the endurance is little

But I got to calm down

And hold on

I just need faith



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite