
Andrew Kamal
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2023
Photo by Marco Chilese on Unsplash


Yeah, I talked to her a while back

This time I guess something was different

It feels like my mind is off

Cleaned out my passenger seat

Was gonna take her to the movies today

Guess that was just in my mind

Barely got to talk to her

Her dad talked to me instead

He seemed nice but man I wish he knew about her

You see, your daughter hates me dude

At least I think so

I thought she liked me

But that is my false perception of reality

Any glimmer of hope quickly fades away

When she talks to you hide away the negativity

Asked my momma, can I invite them over

They seemed really keen


What’s wrong with you

She got mad angry before at this party

Rejected me in front of all my so called friends

Was going great

Then her friends interrupted us

Confidence fading away

Oh, wait that was a test

Now going well again

Why would you talk to somebody like that

Is feeling worthless again on your mind

Listen right now I guess I am doing great

I go from thinking nobody can ever love me

To thinking I can get any girl I want from the flip of a switch

I get mad sad

Then talk like I have game

This and that

Guys that talk to me feel sad

Then we crack a few jokes and laugh

Trying to hide away the struggle

Hey, what is up with this state

Everybody hates me

And wants to wipe the floor with me

Been feeling alone for a decade

Whenever I feel loved

People lie about me behind my back and ruin it

Everybody at church talks about me like I’m trash

At least I think I could feel it

Maybe it is my imagination

I probably deserve way worse anyways

I deserve to be alone

I deserve to be hated

I know my worth and it is not great

Sometimes you are forced to humble yourself

I guess that is what happened with me

Forget dating and relationships for now

Who cares

When was the last time I was happy

Everybody is having high expectations

And you just want to block out the noise

Think about math

Think about nature and all these patterns

Sometimes missing puzzles

Though I never considered myself a good mathematician

But mathematics sometimes feels like you are talking to God

It’s amazing


Yeah, she makes art and it's amazing

But there are tons of people like that

I’m not that easy to be with

Nobody wants a guy anxious and nervous all the time

That’s just the reality

I just want to block out everybody sometimes and sit alone

Sometimes I get mad at the idea of anybody loving me

And sometimes I want to feel loved

I know God loves me though

My parents do too


They are just disappointed

I’m amazing at disappointing them

That only seems like what I do best

I try working hard

80+ hours a week sometimes

Some of these weeks feel like 125 hour work weeks

The rest is church and sleep

Feels like I rarely have a social life

And when I do

All it causes is heartache and pain


Yeah, I’m sorry you seem so cool

But yeah, your daughter, she wants nothing to do with me

I’m like a dime a dozen probably to her

And that is okay

Maybe I want it that way

After all pain is temporary

If I want to go out fantastically

Create positive change

Do all these things

Then you better get used to being more unloved

Anyways sir

I think I’m dead to her

But thanks for the laughs

Have a nice day sir



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite