
Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2023
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash


I sometimes feel mad

Mad at the world

Mad at different things

Oh is he mad

Yeah I’m mad

So what

I don’t do things the easy way

I’m sorry

But everybody is telling me something different

If you knew things best, why didn’t you do it

I’m too cynical

So, you became cynical

Every situation is different

But I’m mad


I should have done more

You see

Some people in society

Want to keep you trapped in a box

Bash your head

Make you confused

Light you up

Then pretend they have your back

And people that have your back may be driven away

Society has not seen many like me. Money is a tool, not an end to its means.

And those you care about

You don’t want to lose your end goals

At a mental war

Drive is one thing

But where are you going to put this madness

Are you just gonna quit

Sit in the back seat

While everybody else is taking the highway

There are reasons you had all these thoughts

And dreams

And you seen the devil

Trying to threaten you

And with all these roadblocks

And nightmares coming your way

You seen him through how you were treated

How you felt

When the spiritual warfare is more and more

The enemy is scared

And there are reasons you know what must go down

So, the stakes are high


Yeah, I’m mad

But I’m coming for her

And them

And a crown of victory

America has fallen

Babylon the great is here

The scarlet is riding on a dragon

Everybody is distracted

I must win the battle

Smell the sand

Between my nose

Ride the horse

Of a triumphant war

And victory


You know how it is

And with whose before me

Who can stand against me

The mind is a powerful thing

You know this

I know this

Be careful to feed it junk food


An inward battle

Madness within

Awaken the warrior



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite