
Andrew Kamal
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2023
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I hold memories so dear

Remember few years ago

How come you can gain so much confidence

And every little thing you can get crushed like an egg shell

At least at this point you should have passed that

Get over yourself

Why do you seem to precondition yourself to hate yourself

I know my worth

And it is not great

But my mission has greatness within

What is this

Some scene from Star Trek

I don’t watch that show anymore

They went too far

Like lots of people in my life

Battlestar Galactica

Remember that

Remember when you thought you were going to be an astronaut

Remember your strive for innovation

And dreaming

And being more contempt

Maybe so

You haven’t been hitting the gym

You haven’t worked enough on that script

Nearly as hard

Many plans and you got this

But you got to man up

And stop everybody on their tracks

When they think you are a child

Some too nice

Overgrown Child

People pleaser

Saving lustful self desires

You are selfish

But have quality of nobility

Because you think your feelings matter too much

When humanity needs you right now

Find happiness

Or actually be useful to society

Why can’t there be both

Sometimes there is

But you got to chase what is real

And you have to be true and real to yourself

Sometimes things are tough

Troubled times create nobility

You’ve been sheltered maybe too much

Or childhood was tough

But you need to light your life up with a fuse

And do what God wants you to do

What you are supposed to do

Stop being so artificial

Sweetners are bad for you

Because they have a bunch of chemicals but feel all fake

You want to be fake

Go ahead

Or chase greatness

God forgive me



Club Penguin

Prince of Egypt


Simple things got people to dream

Remember Pokémon walkie talkies

Or baseball cards

Stamps and coins

Comic books

Action figures

Myth Busters and Invention USA

Sitting back Electric Guitar and attempting music

Skateboards and Scooters and mean neighborhood girls



Nintendo DS

Hey, yeah you

You like some of that

The plug-ins

N-Gage, Zone, Meccano, Hasbro HyperScan

Ben 10, Cartoon Network

Shows sent me mixed signals

What, were they subliminal

Why am I so weird right now

Remember the late 90s

Early 2000s


Malls were fun

Even though I was a huge germaphobe

Even being embarrassed

Or feeling ashamed

But lots of cool memories still


Remember when Céline Dion wasn’t so polical

Josh Groban

Michael Buble’

Luciano Pavarotti

Il Divo

Andrea Brocelli took off

Reruns of Rocky

And GI Joe

Sesame Steet


Bro, remember 90s rock

Parents didn’t want you listening to Aerosmith

Or Green Day

Or Sum 21 and Everclear

Man, Everclear was so underrated

Goo Goo Dolls

The Journey reunion

Deep Purple was still widely played

Guitar Center was more popular

So was GameStop

Remember Survivor the band

American Online




Going into Toys R US

Sea Monkeys and Test Tube Aliens

KB Toys and EA Games, and book stores


Circuit City

Gushers' commercials

RC mods and sneakerhead culture emerged

Stop the intrusive thoughts

Forgot what I was gonna say

Forgive me


Everything was amazing before 9/11 and culture wars

And even remember Alabama

Michigan’s earlier years

Fam in Egypt hit different

Church hit different

You are special



People seemed way kinder

Remember Kinder surprises

You were way into candy

Clouding your mind

Thought I could run races

Sing Elvis

Even MJ

I was way too chubby

But kids were too much still

Teenage years went downhill

I am different and special

But at the same time not

My mind worked different




Rosa, what is this

Boxing dreams


That Village People song

Remember Big Brothers Big Sisters

And afterschool programs

Bro, you need to volunteer more

You have a dark soul sometimes

Look how far your family went

And they always gave you the silver spoon

Both figuratively and literally

Mind is clouded


Hey don’t get too dark

Listen memories are this and that

Intrusive thoughts go away

At the end of the day

You think too much

And overthink

And expect yourself to have time to grow

Dad don’t be angry

Don’t scream

Don’t be disappointed

Grandma don’t distract me

Don’t worry me

Don’t confuse me

Don’t talk to me

I’m not some child anymore

You are worried

I know things are hard

But you got to let go with the pain and drama

And stop acting like everybody should care

And start acting like everybody is gonna light you up

You are here to survive

And move from one place to the next

The world isn’t just

Or noble

But you can push it further towards that

Slow down the destruction

Rather than indulging in self satisfaction

Self destruction

The opposite of growth

Or self-edification

You are doing much better

But look at yourself in the mirror

Fam, is this really where you want to go

And be

You are obsessed with patterns

God loves you

We have free will

Stop with the indulgence of pity and pain

You are of nobility

Part of a royal priesthood

I know you have your arms open

Eyes closed

Hoping for change

But life is a tragedy

And you can be the light onto the world

The happiness onto others

The kindness to the human race


You got this

It is okay

Stop thinking of every little word

Complicating life

It is okay


You got this



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite