The Evolution of Software Development: From Web 2.0 to Web3.0 to Beyond

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Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2023

If you want to predict where software development is heading, you’ve got to understand its inception and evolution. Join us as we’re about to explore just that.

Imagine a world where sending an email took the better part of an hour, or where you had to manually code an HTML page to share information online! These scenarios — belonging to the early years of the internet — may seem antiquated, but not too long ago, they were our reality. Spanning seven decades including three generations of the World Wide Web, software development has iterated every aspect of how humanity operates. Interestingly, it’s no longer a ‘compilation’ of codes, rather, it has become a collection of methodologies that propels itself forward.

In fact, it’s ill-informing that Web1 was the genesis of the Internet itself. The internet, essentially a global network of computers, was born much earlier — around the 1960s with the inception of ARPANET. Web1, on the other hand, refers to the first generation of the World Wide Web, which didn’t emerge until the 1990s. It provided a platform for the general public to access information on the internet, but interactions were largely ‘static’. So, while they indeed are deeply intertwined, Web1.0 and the internet aren’t two facets of a coin, but rather sequential developments.

Quick Flashback to the Genesis of Software Development

No, ”seven decades” wasn’t a typo! Although Web1.0 surfaced in 1989, the evolution of software development is an intriguing one that dates back to the first assembly language in 1947, followed by Fortran in the 1950s, a high-level language that further iterated software development. The paradigm took a major turn in the 1980s with the advent of Object-Oriented Programming, thanks to languages like C++ and Java. Meanwhile, the growth of the internet in the 1990s led to the genesis of web development, paving the way for languages such as PHP, JavaScript, and HTML.

The new millennium brought an upsurge in Agile methodologies, emphasizing the importance of code flexibility and customer collaboration in software development. By the 2010s, cloud computing and DevOps emerged, encouraging a culture of continuous development and integration. While the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence in recent years has driven the advancement of languages like Python, the trend of low-code/no-code development platforms is shaping the future of software development, promoting democratization and inclusivity in the sector.

The Contemporary Web3 and How We Came to Know It

The term Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O’Reilly in 2004 to describe a more interactive version of the Internet. Unlike Web 1.0’s static pages, Web 2.0 transformed websites into dynamic platforms where users were not just consumers but creators. For developers, it ushered in new programming paradigms and tools like AJAX, Ruby, and PHP, which simplified and accelerated web development. However, Web 2.0 wasn’t without challenges. Centralization of data, privacy concerns, and dependency on platform owners were key limitations that spurred the need for an evolution.

Enter Web3.0, a vision for a more transparent, decentralized, and secure internet, where users regain control over their data. Web3.0, referred to as the “Semantic Web” or “Decentralized Web,” is characterized by a decentralized, immutable, and interactive internet. It’s an era where development methodologies extend beyond traditional web applications to dApps. In the journey to Web3.0, software development practices now require developers to learn and adopt paradigms like decentralized networks, smart contracts, consensus algorithms, and blockchain protocols.

Going from Web2.0 to Web3.0 is More Than Just a (+1.0)

Information sharing and interactivity characterized the online landscape in Web2, leading to an unprecedented wave of innovation. The innovation was profoundly underpinned by methodologies including Waterfall and Agile, prioritizing a linear or cyclical approach, respectively. With Waterfall, you saw a sequential approach where every phase was largely dependent on the previous one. On the other hand, Agile offered more flexibility with iterations and feedback loops. While these methods served well for Web2, they required adjustments when moving into Web3:

  1. From Web2’s Rigidity to Web3’s Fluidity: Why the need for change? Simple: Web3 reinvents the way users interact with the internet. With decentralization at its core, it necessitates software that is not only functional but resistant to censorship, tamper-proof, and trustless, demanding a shift in development methodologies.
  2. Decentralized Software Development: This methodology champions open source and community projects where coding is no longer just an individual or a team’s work. For instance, consider Ethereum’s creation, a blockchain platform that epitomizes Web3, as came into existence through the collective effort of developers.
  3. Embracing Test-Driven Development: Moreover, Web3’s nature of providing robust, secure, and unalterable systems has necessitated the adoption of Test-Driven Development (TDD). Here, you first write the test cases for each functionality before the actual code, ensuring that the developed software is secure and immutable.

The Pioneers of Tomorrow’s Software Aren’t Tools Alone

Well, that’s where software developers step into the spotlight. The World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report” predicts that by 2025, nearly half of all workers will require reskilling, with software development skills topping the list. As industries from healthcare to finance eagerly adopt digitization, the demand for software development talent has skyrocketed, revealing a gap in the availability of a skilled workforce. This skill gap — however — can only be closed by fostering a collaborative environment, promoting interdisciplinary learning, and preparing future professionals.

We Know What’s on Your Mind, “How Can I Embrace It?”

Or before that, you might be asking why we didn’t cover smart contracts or NFTs in this article, right? That’s because you wouldn’t want to miss How NFTs are Revolutionizing Digital Ownership (coming soon), which might help you decide whether Web3 should really be your A-Game? Your choice doesn’t have to be binary.

If your company is venturing into Web3 — or better — building Web3 solutions from scratch, speaking to our experts at ProductShop might propel your initiative. Leave us a message at and see how we can launch your project off the ground.



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