What Does Working With PubLoft Look Like?

This is What It’s Like To Be a Customer

Mat Sherman
The Pub
4 min readSep 22, 2017


Today, I was on a call with a potential customer when they asked me to send over any PDF’s or extra documents explaining our process and what it looks like to work with us. As of that moment, we had nothing. That prompted me to write this blog post. This is what it’s like working with PubLoft.

The PubLoft Process

Ultimately, everytone goes through the same steps when they work with us. Those steps are outlined below. It starts with an email conversation.

1. Email Conversation

Usually, people hear about us from a cold email from me or from a social media post. Whatever the case is, ultimately the conversation gets carried to email at some point. Once we get in email contact, my personal goal is to get you on the phone so I can learn more about your company.

2. Phone Call

Phone conversations usually go the same way every time. We chit chat for a few minutes, then we talk about our businesses. After I learn more about your business and you learn more about PubLoft, you usually ask some questions about us and make sure we’re on the same page.

The purpose of the phone call is to answer any and all of these questions about PubLoft. By the end, you know if it’s something that you want to try out or not. Let’s say we are on the phone and you want to get started, then what happens?

3. The Trial

To get started, you go through a trial. Everyone goes through a trial. The trial is in exchange for a content calendar and two blog posts. The purpose of the trial is for you to see how you like our writing style and process. If you decide you want to go through a trial, you fill out two forms. One is a payment form and the other is a 7-minute form to give us a handle on what you’re looking for in a content writer and strategy.

Once you fill out that form, we’ll get your trial content calendar out to you within 24 hours. The content calendar exists so you know what we’re writing on for you and when you can expect it. We’ll send it in the form of an email, just like this:

It’s simple and to the point, just like everything else we do. You’ll get your two trial posts by the dates that we set, and that’s that. When we do finish the posts, we’ll send over a Google Doc draft and a Medium draft of them to you, so you can choose where you want to post it.

Once we send you your two trial posts, you have a choice.

“ You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Ok, we’re kidding over here. But in reality, you do have a choice.

4. Signing Up For A Plan

You can choose to keep using us or you can choose to not get any more content. If you do choose to keep getting content from us, we then send you a payment form to fill out. This is the last payment form you will ever fill out, as your card will be auto-charged every month as long as you’re using PubLoft.

Once you fill out that payment form, we send you another content calendar, but for the next month. That looks like this:

5. Rinse and Repeat

From there, it’s a pretty repeatable pattern. Every Monday, we send you a new post. Once the month is up, you get a new content calendar in your inbox like magic and we repeat the whole process over again. If you ever want to stop getting content from us, cancel immediately and you won’t get charged again. That’s it. No fancy proposals. No hidden pricing. Just a system designed for you to #GSD.

If you have any questions, please email me at Mat@publoft.com.

