August Changemaker — Kimani N’gan’ga Maruge

Kelli Landes
Public Good Blog Archive
3 min readAug 21, 2018

August brings us both International Youth Day on August 12, and also Senior Citizens’ Day on August 21. So what better month to honor Kimani N’gan’ga Maruge — education advocate and holder of the Guinness World Record for the oldest person to ever start school!

When the Kenyan government announced free primary school for all in 2002, the former Mau Mau freedom fighter went to his local school in Eldoret, Kenya, and demanded to be taught to read. He was 84 years old.

School officials and parents opposed his enrollment to school, saying that it would be wasting valuable educational resources to teach an old man. But Maruge didn’t give up. When told he couldn’t enroll because he didn’t have a pencil and paper, he returned with a pencil and paper — and was told he couldn’t enroll because he didn’t have a uniform. So, he sold one of his goats and bought pants that he cut into the required shorts and bought shoes and socks. His perseverance paid off, and he was admitted to first grade, sharing the classroom with 6 year olds. He made head boy by 2nd grade!

As his story became known internationally, he was invited to speak before the UN, where he addressed the need to education in Africa. “To me, Liberty is going to school and learning,” he said.

Even more people found out about his inspiring story with the film “The First Grader” in 2010.

His determination inspired others to pursue their education and their dreams. His story also shines a light on the importance of education in Africa and around the world. The same law granting free primary school that allowed Maruge to attend first grade also allowed two million Kenyan children to attend school for the first time. Before, school fees had prohibited many from attending. Now his 30 grandchildren can attend school, just as he did.

Help make sure schoolchildren — and senior citizens! — in Africa have the educational resources they need.

Learn more about Kimani N’gan’ga Maruge



Kelli Landes
Public Good Blog Archive

Community Manager at Public Good, mom of 2 mischievous boys & 2 mischievous cats, volunteer, devotee of The Big Lebowski & Medieval history, half-full kinda gal