Kelli Landes
Public Good Blog Archive
3 min readJul 16, 2018


Changemaker: Dr. Sylvia Earle

Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart, Rosalind Franklin — all women making discoveries, taking adventures, exploring the world. And, all women born in July! In the spirit of these pioneering women, we highlight changemaker Dr. Sylvia Earle this month.

An American marine biologist, oceanographer, and explorer, Sylvia Earle has spent her life in, around, and fighting for the ocean. She’s led over 100 expeditions and logged over 7,000 hours underwater. It’s difficult to write a biography of her that isn’t just a string of achievements — record-setting dives, the first woman to be appointed Chief Scientist for NOAA, The Carl Sagan Award, Time Magazine’s first “Hero for the Planet,” The Library of Congress Living Legend Award, the National Audubon Society’s Rachel Carson Award, a TED Prize — she was even ordained as a “Knight of the Golden Ark” by the Prince of the Netherlands, and has her own LEGO minifig! The list goes on and on. Since 1998, she’s been the National Geographic “Explorer in Residence.”

Dr. Sylvia Earle displays samples to aquanaut inside TEKTITE. Appears in National Geographic August 1971

Her discoveries and research make her a pioneer. But what sets “Her Deepness” — as Dr. Earle is sometimes called — apart as a changemaker is her tireless work to save the ocean she loves so much. Her TED Prize allowed her to found Mission Blue, a nonprofit whose mission is to “inspire action and explore the ocean.” Mission Blue identifies “Hope Spots” — areas around the world critical to the health of the ocean. Mission Blue then works to raise awareness and interest in these spots through documentaries, social media, expeditions and other means to inspire people to preserve these vital areas. Check out a map of Hope Spots, and even nominate a Hope Spot that’s special to you!

“Look in the mirror, consider your talents, and think about how you might use them to make a difference. Some have artistic skills, others are good with numbers or have a way with words. Everyone has power to make a difference as an individual, or by joining the company of others who share a common goal. The key is in knowing that what you do matters, including doing nothing!” — Dr. Sylvia Earle

Partnerships with nonprofits, conservation groups, research teams, for-profit enterprise and a host of other alliances help to let as many people as possible know how incredible and incredibly special these Hope Spots are. Initiatives such as the Ocean Film Challenge raise awareness of the need to protect and conserve our oceans.

Dr. Earle’s unquenchable curiosity and unflagging passion inspire us, and we hope they inspire you, too!



Kelli Landes
Public Good Blog Archive

Community Manager at Public Good, mom of 2 mischievous boys & 2 mischievous cats, volunteer, devotee of The Big Lebowski & Medieval history, half-full kinda gal