“A daisy in the storm”

An original drawing and poem

xine way 🌟
Jun 29, 2024


Let the winds come

Let the rain come

And wash the world anew

I will toss and turn

And pray that

Somehow, I’ll be brought

Back to you.

We weather the storm,

We love when it’s hard.

And maybe we’ll be better

Together rather than apart.

I drew this “daisy in the storm” image with a mind full of turmoil. I’ve been contemplating whether I should break up with my current boyfriend and re-enter the dating scene. Right now, I want to make things work, and I’ll see how we do. But it’s a big life decision: do I want my current life partner to be my partner for life indeed?

I have doubts. But sometimes doodling and writing can lead me to fresh insights about what my heart truly wants.



xine way 🌟

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!