My arsenal of date ideas

xine way 🌟
1 min readJul 29, 2018

As someone who’s been on probably over 100 dates in the past four years, I’ve tried to get creative with date ideas. I find routine awfully boring, so I like to spice things up all the time.

Date ideas:

  • fruit picking (grapes or apples or strawberries, depending on the season)
  • ice cream (preferably Parlour or Mapleview) or froyo, which is a second rate substitute
  • movies/indie film festivals
  • audio/video screenings
  • restaurant
  • parks/lakes (only if you don’t get he-might-shank-me-in-the-middle-of-the-woods vibes)
  • walks around random-ass neighborhoods
  • state fair
  • fireworks show
  • gym (work out and build relationships?? great combo)
  • grocery shopping (idk why I like this so much maybe I’m too suburban #domestic)
  • beach
  • hiking
  • Netflix
  • video games (pc or console)
  • vidchat
  • contemplating the meaning of life and human existence
  • stargazing
  • Frisbeee
  • wading around in a lake or something
  • pretending to enjoy nature while really doing it for the ‘gram
  • boating
  • museums (!!!)
  • malls
  • bookstores
  • boba
  • cultural festivals
  • bars/clubs
  • puzzles/escape room
  • cafes
  • libraries
  • basic shit like sunset viewing
  • traveling
  • touristy shit
  • make ur own meal sesh
  • ordering in
  • picnics
  • nauseating couple shit (photo booths, anyone?)
  • solid makeout seshes.. at red lights or when stuck in traffic
  • cuddles
  • taking a pottery class
  • couples massage/spa day
  • pool
  • yoga
  • dancing

And there’s tons more, but I’m too lazy to type them all out. 🤗



xine way 🌟

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!