Reflecting and looking forward

A few thoughts on the first month of the new year

xine way 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot happened in January.

I celebrated my bestie’s birthday, my whole immediate family was sick, I went to karaoke and some events with friends, and met lots of new people.

It’s been somewhat exhausting, though, to be honest. Ever since my sleep schedule turned wonky, I’ve been out of it and tired all the time.

I think I need better sleep hygiene. And to sleep earlier so I feel well rested rather than groggy.

I had a rough patch mid January but I made it through.

I feel the onset of anhedonia, praying it doesn’t escalate into full blown depression.

I’d say nowadays, school occupies 60% of my brain. Thoughts of my next meal are maybe 20% and the rest is random shit like scheduling and if someone likes me as a coworker or not.

Work has been slow and steady for a while now. Hoping it’ll be fine for me to take on fewer tasks while I’m doing all my schoolwork.

My graduation will be postponed, as usual. Summer classes aren’t going to be a thing for me after all beyond my independent study.

I’m just hoping I can keep my head up thru it all.



xine way 🤷🏻‍♀️

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!