Week 5 (6/25–7/1)

xine way 🌟
2 min readJul 2, 2018

Work info is here.

Monday: I had a lime margarita and gamed some more. I keep dying in Ni No Kuni, and I think it’s because I keep trying to explore the world map. And then I run into monsters I’m not prepared to battle and wind up dead. Story of my life. Also watched some My Hero Academia.

Tuesday: I went to the library and worked. Came back, gamed some, and finished reading a book called Everything I Never Told You. It’s ranked as one of the best fiction books on Amazon. And it was sad. Heartbreakingly so. It was one of the first fiction books I’ve picked up in a long time.

Wednesday: I watched more My Hero Academia at home. Didn’t feel like gaming. I accidentally missed my appointment with my therapist today.

Thursday: I watched more My Hero Academia. And then went to the gym with Molly.

Friday: I got my hair colored! It was at Wavelengths on Ninth Street. The stylist who helped me was really sweet. And then I went to a psychiatrist apptmt and drove peeps around for a bit. My dad took Tiffy, my mom, and me out for a photo shoot after dinner. This pic perfectly captures our sibling dynamic:

Saturday: I slept through almost the entire day. Redownloaded Maple Story to play with Atayal. Watched more My Hero and played around on the piano. Also went to go shoot some hoops with my fam. And walk around grocery stores together.

Sunday: I woke up, played Maple Story, tried to study some macro at the library, and then came home and mapled some more. Gotta sleep early to reenter my workweek tho!



xine way 🌟

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!