The Quale

About our publication and writing for us.

Ben Holmes
The Quale


Background from Pexels

A quale is an individual instance of subjective, conscious experience. A moment in time as experienced by a specific individual. Or, as put by Daniel Dennet, “an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us.” And this is our mission here at The Quale: to share and make familiar all the thoughts, emotions, and experiences that lie at the core of our existence, and yet are often so hard to put into words.

We are a modern home for philosophy, thoughts, musings, reflections, imperatives, stories, and calls out into the void.

Photo by Giovanni Calia from Pexels

We are looking for voices that explore, that question, that cry out; quiet whispers of revolution and desperate love songs.

Form is not overly important to us. Whatever form you find the words in is the form that they should flow out in, whether that’s a hushed, whispered poem, or a raging call to action, a scream at the rest of us to wake the f*$@! up.

We accept philosophical musings, thoughts on how to live, personal anecdotes, analogies, poems, fiction, open letters, open-ended questions — basically anything…



Ben Holmes
The Quale

Human minds and their contents. Stories, psychology, philosophy. BA Psychology. Connect: