3 food-related datasets & ideas for analyzing them

Datasets featuring recipes and recipe reviews, nutrition facts, and food prices

Minna Wang
The Ratio


Photo by Rachel Kelli on Unsplash

Recipes & recipe reviews

The data

Dataset on Kaggle

  • 180K+ recipes and 700K+ recipe reviews from Food.com, covering an 18-year time span

Ideas for analysis

  1. Build a recipe recommender based on same-user reviews: Have a user share a recipe they like. Find a similar recipe in the database. Then, find users who rated that recipe highly and find other recipes that that group of users also rated highly. Recommend those recipes.
  2. See what ingredients are most likely to be paired together
  3. Parse suggestions and alterations from reviews; append to original recipe

Nutrition values for foods

The data

Dataset on Kaggle

  • Nutrition facts for 8,800+ foods, including macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and more

Ideas for analysis

  1. Create a “daily menu generator”: Find the daily recommended values for macros, vitamins, and minerals. Build an…



Minna Wang
The Ratio

Data nerd & valiant defender of the Oxford comma. I get excited about numbers 📊 & words 📖 | 💰 Finance @ Jasper AI