What I Wish I Knew

Ethan Moore
There and Back
Published in
9 min readSep 12, 2022


Have you ever wanted something so bad, you would do anything to get it?

When you finally got it, was it everything you had hoped it would be?

Since I was in high school, I was single-mindedly focused on earning a position in a Major League Baseball club R&D department. It was all I thought about. Every decision was made with my goal in mind. I took my senior photo with a baseball and a calculator. Seriously.

I did all of this because I thought the job would provide me with excitement and deep fulfillment. If I could just get one of those few competitive spots, I’d be set for a long time. I was building the life I wanted.

And then I did exactly what I set out to do. I acquired the necessary technical skillset through coursework and practice. I honed my analytical communication in my free time. I started an analytics department at my college to practice working with coaches and managing a team of other analysts. I networked relentlessly (and I sincerely thank everyone that helped me along the way). I literally wrote a playbook for how to achieve the dream of working in a MLB R&D department.

Less than two years since my first day with a team and after much reflection on my experiences, I’d like to have an open discussion about my decision to leave and the things I wish I knew about this profession earlier.

My relationship with my career began to change during the COVID pandemic in 2020. I had accepted an internship offer with a club for that summer and…

