The Gig Economy: How Businesses Cash In On Creativity

What Corporate, Art Galleries, and Upwork Have In Common

Kira Leigh
Published in
8 min readJun 3, 2019


Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV, and one of the most penultimate painters of the Spanish Golden Age.

The photograph of the enigmatic Las Meninas above hardly does his talents justice. It’s a powerful composition that both references the act of painting itself, and its mediums.

When examined even closer, viewers can see that Velazquez painted how human eyes actually see.

His excellence was, and is, staggering.

As a graduate of massART with a focus on art education, I’m aware that there’s always something (socially, politically, economically) darker between the fat and lean of oil paint.

But we’re not here to examine these contexts in the frame of the past.

We’re here to examine how businesses convince creatives of the lie that they can’t survive without them.

Corporate Needs What You Have, That It Can’t Do

