A promotional poster for Lancer. The Lancer logo is semi-transparent. Six mechs stands behind the logo.

Roleplaying Games

Battletech + Magic: The Gathering = Lancer

The Ugly Monster
Published in
8 min readJul 31, 2021


In Lancer, you play a lancer. There are other mech pilots in the galaxy, but lancers are the best of the best at piloting weapons of last resort. If lancers are deployed, shit is about to hit the fan or it already has.

The Good

Mechs Are Magic

Mechs in Lancer are less like walking tanks and more like wearable spell books in a Clarke’s Third Law kind of way. Except for the starter model, the mechs lancers use vary dramatically. Between 29 Frames with 30 Core Bonuses, 77 Weapons, and 126 Systems, the number of possible configurations is staggering. This is a mech game for Magic: The Gathering players.

Frames are mech chassis, all of which have their own unique Traits and Core Systems. Core Bonuses give you options and benefits when driving Frames from specific manufacturers, like increasing the range of all your installed weapons. Weapons hurt other mechs, sometimes in unconventional ways. Systems do everything from deploying portable bunkers to making your mech physically intangible.

Lancer’s 29 Talents give your pilot even more options, like automatically knocking a target Prone. But the word “Talent”…



The Ugly Monster

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.