Even Ultimate Cap never decapitated a downed enemy.


Fake Captain America is a Victim and a Villain

Cliches are(n’t) tropes and the government screwed John Walker

The Ugly Monster
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2021


“What’s with all the knives!?” — John Walker, aka ‘Captain America’

I felt the need to stat up John Walker, the new-then-former Captain America from ‘The Falcon and the Winter Solider’.

I got into comic books through roleplaying games. And since the Marvel games were better than the DC games, I glomed on to Marvel more. But they’re all out of print, so my go-to Marvel system is Risus: The Anything RPG. It works for emulating movies and books and such because characters are built purely with Cliches. And TVtropes is a great source for Cliches. Tropes aren’t really the same as cliches, but they’re close enough.

This corner of the MCU is action-drama, so I went with obvious functional Cliches.

  • Fallen Hero: His dishonorable discharge is still raw. All he feels is shame and rage right now. He did what the government asked and they stripped him of rank and benefits.
  • Super Soldier: He…



The Ugly Monster

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.