How we improved a SaaS conversion funnel and reduced the bounce rate by 42,64%

Case study: KnowledgeOwl

Cezary Ołowski
The Rectangles
3 min readOct 31, 2017



KnowledgeOwl is a knowledge base software based in United States. It is a well prospering SaaS business with a fairly big number of users. After UCDC workshop which we always conduct on the beginning of every ongoing relationship with client, we extracted a core users. They are mainly: project managers, teachers, customer support managers, HR managers and developers. All of them have a one thing in common: a need for creating a safe and permanent base for keeping their knowledge, materials, tutorials or manuals in one place. And KnowledgeOwl makes it simple. They have countless features, fantastic customer support and the ability to listen carefully to their users. To have a firsthand experience try their free trial.


The main objective was to increase conversion of non users into trial users. To measure that we determined key results:
• more free trial sign ups,
•decrease bounce and exit rates on sign up page

We set almost 4 months as a comparative period: Mar 21, 2017 — Jun 26, 2017 compared to Jun 27, 2017 — Oct 2, 2017. Our design was implemented at Jun 27, that’s why this date opens the secend interval.


Based on Mouseflow recording we noticed two things. Users spend a lot of time on Sign up page before they start to fill in the form. Further more they obviously hesitate before filling in the inputs. All this has been confirmed with data from Google Analytics. Average time spend on page was around 2.5 minutes and bounce rate stood at 58.87%, that’s high.

We wanted to focus on the sign up page first because this is a last stage in a conversion funnel and we saw that it causes problems.

So we suggested that adding clear and visible information about free trial will reduce friction and increase the number of sign ups.

Also we wanted to rearrange inputs so that the sign up form wasn’t confusing to users. Turned out that removing name and second name inputs will mess up communication structure inside the app, so we implied splitting the form into two separate and independent sections.

First section with email + password (left) and second section with name + last name (right)


When design was implemented we started to collect the data. And the results was astounding. We managed to reduce bounce rate by 42.64%, increase the number of entrances by 23.81% and double the conversion rate. Users were less confused and distracted. They were more willing to sign up for the trial, and thanks to dividing the process into two stages, they didn’t leave the page so often.

