Say hello to incremental UX design in subscription

Introducing the new service model at The Rectangles

Leszek Zawadzki
The Rectangles
4 min readAug 18, 2017


A few months ago (April, 2017) we made an important decision at The Rectangles, shifting to a new, completely subscription-based service model. The idea was to ditch the old, fixed-scope, typical agency approach and replace it with a new one: ongoing improvement of our clients’ products within a model based on fixed monthly retainers. It wasn’t the easiest step to take for an agency. We knew we risked a lot, being one of the pioneers (if not the pioneers) of such approach. We realized that some elements of our new offer, like totally transparent pricing, are going to be game changers, but at the same time we knew that switching to a monthly retainer instead of a fixed budget scope type of projects could be a deal-breaker for many of our clients.

But today, after 4 months of rolling the new offer out, we know that the decision we made at that time was right. Phew.

And it wasn’t only a good move for our company. It is also good for our clients.

We’ll soon be publishing more content explaining the reasons behind this change. Today I’d like to focus only on the new service and its main features.

The new service model

Since our clients are also businesses (mostly startups, SaaS, ecommerces, B2B services), we created a unique value proposition to describe our new offer to them. Here it is.

Our unique value proposition

The Rectangles is not a typical agency. Under transparent subscription plans, we provide UX design and optimization for online businesses: startups (mostly SaaS) and eCommerce. As the creators of UCDC, we’re famous for combining users needs with business goals. Our unique service model is based on incremental data-driven improvements which are predictable and safe for the client.

In sum, think of us as an adjustable expert UX design extension for your team.

Key features of incremental UX design and optimization in subscription

Our new offer has these unique features:

  • We offer data- and research-driven UX design and optimization for online businesses
  • We focus on incremental product improvements
  • What we do is always based on business objectives
  • We focus on combining business goals with users needs
  • We offer adjustable monthly subscription plans, which you can change/cancel at any time (no long-term contracts)
  • You can choose a plan that fits your company’s growth strategy best
  • You can start with a 1 month 100% money-back test-drive

Who is it for

We believe in UX for everyone, but not for anyone.

Our offer is tailored for companies with a proven business model: startups (mainly SaaS companies) and ecommerces. But we also work with other B2Bs. If any part of your business is on the web, and your product communicates with your customers (users) via your website or app and if your aim is to grow, improve your product’s UX (reduce UX backlog) or simply convert more traffic, then — our offer is for you.

Why UX design in subscription is good for your business

First of all, in most cases evolution is better than revolution. If your business has a working business model, serves thousands of users then probably you don’t want to put that all at risk of haphazard changes (redesigns, makeovers, revamps, you name it).

What we offer instead is safe, predictable, gradual growth that is only possible when done right, by experts with a plan for incremental improvements.

Secondly, UX is not about fancy visuals. Very often a visual UX/UI freelancer’s gut feeling is not enough when it comes to providing a grown business with a design solution that will fit to its current users and business model. True UX design requires data analysis and user research, and to do it right, you have to have a certain skill set. In many cases you’d need a degree to be sure you know what you’re doing (think a psychologist for example).

Our subscription plans give you adjustable access to a multidisciplinary team of experts from fields that are core for UX: business, marketing, psychology, design and data analysis.

Thirdly, all we provide our clients with is evidence-based. It’s either a serious research, data-analysis or years of experience (but only as a last resort). What we design is never based on somebody’s personal taste, sense of style, guess or a gut feeling.

We know how important for businesses and their owners is to act prudently.

Call to action

If you’d like to learn more:

➜ visit our landing page:
➜ schedule a quick 15 min intro call
email us to get a PDF with current pricing



Leszek Zawadzki
The Rectangles

Co-founder of The Rectangles — UX design agency. Lecturer at the University of Wrocław.