Ismay Hutton
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2015


An Introduction

I’m bad at introductions, so I’m going to just right on in.

The idea for this blog came about from a document I sent my now-ex titled:

“A Handy-Dandy Guide to your Girlfriend’s Anxiety/Depression.”

What followed that winning title was two full pages of text that gave a few tips, but basically gave off the general vibe of “are you sure you want to deal with all of this?” For example, here’s the opening paragraph:

“Is your girlfriend acting strange? Are you questioning if she may have left the country to Mexico based on the fact you haven’t heard for her? Is she twitching randomly? Well, you’re in luck, because here is a strange (and hopefully not condescending) guide to your girlfriend’s anxiety and depression!”

I had forgotten about it until the other day when we were talking and she mentioned that she still had the document, and that it really had helped her when it came to dealing with my various issues. And more surprisingly, it turned out that it had been useful for helping other people, and even herself.

For a while I’d been thinking about starting a blog to document, track, and share my experiences with anxiety and depression. I had shot it down before, realising that that’s the thing you tell your damn diary. But this got me thinking about it again.

While my experiences are in no way representative of all anxiety-depression people out there, maybe talking about them and sharing how myself and my friends have coped with them…maybe that would be a good thing?

This blog may be dead in the water by tomorrow. It may not. We’ll see, I suppose. I just hope that any of this is of help to anyone.

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Originally published at on October 2, 2015.



Ismay Hutton

Anxiety and depression sufferer. Having both is like putting a cat and dog in the same room. Except the room is a blender.