Music Therapy/Aging Parents

Taming the Wild Beast with song: There’s a Song for That!

Robin Sherman
There’s a Song For That!
1 min readSep 28, 2023


The power music has to change moods, break down barriers, and humanize even the toughest old bears (my dad).

I know it’s Monday, but also Valentine’s Day, so, Happy supplemental #wellnesswednesday #musicheals break! Long before I became a DJ I noticed music’s power over people. My family held multiple weddings and hosted a yearly street fair; We hired the same cover band for everything (I wish I recalled their name).

Back then, men like my dad were typical for his generation, i.e. they did not express feelings publicly, did NOT dance, and were pretty tough overall. But whenever the cover band played a small handful of popular loves songs from that era (dating myself now) my dad and mom would embrace, stare into each other’s eyes and lose themselves for a few minutes swaying together.

Young me witnessed music smash down my dad’s brick wall, if only briefly. The band was talented and surprisingly accurate, but one song that always guaranteed my parents would dance was “Time in a Bottle” from Jim Croce. So, give an oldie a listen this Valentine’s and appreciate music’s power over people, and its ability to create memories.



Robin Sherman
There’s a Song For That!

Adulthood delayed for decades as a DJ, Musician, and Comedian. Enjoy my Publications: There's a Song for That, Virtual Crate Digger, & Figments and Fragments.