Old man with beard and bike

Mark Joseph Deutsch
There’s Always Coffee
1 min readJun 1, 2014

This morning I watched an elderly man arrive on a road bike with blue and red striped wheels. He was probably in his sixties. He had a bandana on and a full beard. There were a few other people and I could tell that they noticed him arriving too. He got off his bike and nodded to no one in particular — as if he knew that everyone was looking at him.

He walked to the edge of this popular bike stop, just to where you could see the entire city on an early Sunday morning and sat on a log. I didn’t know anything about him — where he was from or what his life story was — but he had this look of just being easy, you know what I mean? He looked content, like he was exactly where he wanted to be.



Mark Joseph Deutsch
There’s Always Coffee

Communication designer, writer and entrepreneur. Founder @happygaraje. Creative director @barriopeligro. Loves family and the sea.