How to be successful in an instant — No experience necessary!

Friedrich Woltran
3 min readOct 27, 2016


All too often are we asking ourselves why other people are successful and how we could manage to be like them. We are living in a world where the most intangible thing has become the holy grail we all believe we need to look for and find.

Once you are successful you have made it, right?

Success means what exactly? Money, a position, a house, a car, your own business or a powerful job, a particular relationship, travel opportunities — the list is endless.

So — do you believe that success IS those things? Do you believe that you will be successful by acquiring any of the “things” that seem so all important to have?

If you are somebody who does then you are not alone, as a matter of fact you will think like the majority of people do. Even if you do not hunt for material success you think the same way. Even if your goal is of a spiritual nature and you believe that once you reach it you will be successful you have succumbed to the general belief that success is what life is all about. We are all chasing something not only intangible but also something that cannot be measured the way we like everything else to be measured.

In my mentoring and coaching career I always try to tackle the subject of success as one of the first ones as it is critical. Most people struggle to define what success actually means for them and yet when asked what they want to achieve in life their first answer is always “SUCCESS”!

Trying to be successful by working towards a particular goal is in my opinion like trying to run a marathon when submerged in water without your feet ever touching the ground. You are not only deploying the wrong technique to reach your goal but furthermore will you most likely end up being totally exhausted from the effort to reach the unattainable in a race you are not fit to run.

I believe success should not be measurable because if you look at it closely success is a feeling. Have you ever tried to quantify love, peace or happiness? Neither of them can be quantified. So why struggle quantifying something that cannot be measured? Why try to measure a feeling?

Wouldn’t it be much better to pursue what makes you feel successful rather than the success itself?

And how would it be to have the success you want in an instant? How would that make you feel? Quite successful — wouldn’t it?

Success is easy to attain. The levels of success obviously vary but the basic feeling of being successful can easily achieved by following this formula:

Integrity + Authenticity = Success

The level of our integrity paired with the level of your authenticity determines your feeling of success. The more integrity you show in your daily actions and the more authentic you manage to live the higher your level of success will be.

Tell the truth and make it yours! Success is guaranteed — No experience necessary!

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About the Author:

Friedrich is a mentor and coach. He works with individuals and groups as well as companies looking to start new things, grow existing ventures or transition from one focus area to another. His principles are summarized in the StartGrowShift approach. Key to his clients’ success is to learn that integrity is paramount in any undertaking, inner success is always preceding outer success and that real success reaches far beyond the material.

Follow Friedrich on twitter @StartGrowShift or find him on facebook @StartGrowShift

